Memory Address Equates

This section of the processor definitions linker script provides information about certain memory addresses required by the default linker script.


* Memory Address Equates


_RESET_ADDR                =
_BEV_EXCPT_ADDR               =
_DBG_EXCPT_ADDR               =
_DBG_CODE_ADDR                =
_GEN_EXCPT_ADDR               =
        _ebase_address + 0x180;

The _RESET_ADDR defines the processor’s Reset address. This is the virtual begin address of the IFM boot section in Kernel mode.

The _BEV_EXCPT_ADDR defines the address that the processor jumps to when an exception is encountered and StatusBEV = 1.

The _DBG_EXCPT_ADDR defines the address that the processor jumps to when a debug exception is encountered.

The _DBG_CODE_ADDR defines the address that is the start address of the debug executive. Note that this address may vary depending on the size of the KSEG0 boot segment on your target device.

The _GEN_EXCPT_ADDR defines the address that the processor jumps to when an exception is encountered and StatusBEV = 0.