void USB_HIDMouseInitialize (USB_HID_REPORT_DESCRIPTOR_t *reportPtr)
Sets up the mouse application for use with the HID class.
RETURN_CODE_t USB_HIDMouseMove (int8_t x_position, int8_t y_position)
Registers mouse movement and sends its coordinates to the host.
RETURN_CODE_t USB_HIDMouseButton (bool buttonState, uint8_t button)
Registers the button and its state and sends it to the host.
RETURN_CODE_t USB_HIDMouseButtonLeft (bool buttonState)
Registers the button state of the left button.
RETURN_CODE_t USB_HIDMouseButtonRight (bool buttonState)
Registers the button state of the right button.
RETURN_CODE_t USB_HIDMouseButtonMiddle (bool buttonState)
Registers the button state of the middle button.