Control A

Offset: 0x00
Reset: 0x0000
Property: PAC Write-Protection

Bit 15141312111098 
Reset 00000000 
Bit 76543210 
Reset 0000000 

Bits 15:8 – CMDEX[7:0] Command Execution

When this bit group is written to the key value 0xA5, the command written to CMD will be executed. If a value different from the key value is tried, the write will not be performed and the Programming Error bit in the Status register (STATUS.PROGE) will be set. PROGE is also set if a previously written command is not completed yet.

The key value must be written at the same time as CMD. If a command is issued through the APB bus on the same cycle as an AHB bus access, the AHB bus access will be given priority. The command will then be executed when the NVM block and the AHB bus are idle.

INTFLAG.READY must be '1' when the command is issued.

Bit 0 of the CMDEX bit group will read back as '1' until the command is issued.

Note: The NVM Address bit field in the Address register (ADDR.ADDR) uses 16-bit addressing.

Bits 6:0 – CMD[6:0] Command

These bits define the command to be executed when the CMDEX key is written.

CMD[6:0] Group Configuration Description
0x00-0x01 - Reserved
0x02 ER Erase Row - Erases the row addressed by the ADDR register in the NVM main array.
0x03 - Reserved
0x04 WP Write Page - Writes the contents of the page buffer to the page addressed by the ADDR register.
0x05 EAR

Erase Auxiliary Row - Erases the auxiliary row addressed by the ADDR register. This command can be given only when the security bit is not set and only to the User Configuration Row.

0x06 WAP

Write Auxiliary Page - Writes the contents of the page buffer to the page addressed by the ADDR register. This command can be given only when the security bit is not set and only to the User Configuration Row.

0x07-0x0E - Reserved
0x0F WL Write Lockbits- write the LOCK register
0x1A-0x19 - Reserved
0x1A RWWEEER RWWEE Erase Row - Erases the row addressed by the ADDR register in the RWWEE array.
0x1B - Reserved
0x1C RWWEEWP RWWEE Write Page - Writes the contents of the page buffer to the page addressed by the ADDR register in the RWWEE array.
0x1D-0x3F - Reserved
0x40 LR Lock Region - Locks the region containing the address location in the ADDR register.
0x41 UR Unlock Region - Unlocks the region containing the address location in the ADDR register.
0x42 SPRM Sets the Power Reduction Mode.
0x43 CPRM Clears the Power Reduction Mode.
0x44 PBC Page Buffer Clear - Clears the page buffer.
0x45 SSB Set Security Bit - Sets the security bit by writing 0x00 to the first byte in the lockbit row.
0x46 INVALL Invalidates all cache lines.
0x47 LDR Lock Data Region - Locks the data region containing the address location in the ADDR register.

When the Security Extension is enabled, only secure access can lock secure regions.

0x48 UDR Unlock Data Region - Unlocks the data region containing the address location in the ADDR register.

When the Security Extension is enabled, only secure access can unlock secure regions.

0x47-0x7F - Reserved