58.8.1 Processor Power Consumption in Active Mode

The table below gives the processor power consumption in the following conditions:
  • fCPU_CLK = from 200 MHz to 600 MHz
  • fMCK = 200 MHz
  • L1 caches enabled
  • The ARM926EJ-S core executes a Dhrystone benchmark from the (internal) SRAM0
  • Code compiled with speed optimization
  • Peripheral clocks disabled
  • Current measured as per the figure below
Figure 58-39. Current Measurement on VDDCORE
Table 58-57. Processor Power Consumption Running a Dhrystone Benchmark from SRAM0
fCPU_CLK IDDCORE vs Ambient Temperature (TA) Unit
-40°C -10°C 25°C 50°C 85°C 105°C
200 MHz 52.8 53.1 54.2 56.1 62.2 69.7 mA
400 MHz 73.7 74.0 75.2 76.9 83.5 90.9 mA
600 MHz 93.2 93.4 94.5 96.5 103.0 110.3 mA
Figure 58-40.  Processor Current Consumption Running a Dhrystone Benchmark from SRAM0