32.16.2 External Reference Characteristics

Operating conditions:
  • VDD = 1.8 to 5.5V
  • Temperature = -40°C to 125°C
  • DUTYCYC = 25%
  • CLKADC = 13 * fADC
  • SAMPCAP is 5 pF
The accuracy characteristics numbers are based on the characterization of the following input reference levels and VDD ranges:
  • VREF = 1.8V, VDD = 1.8 to 5.5V
  • VREF = 2.6V, VDD = 2.7 to 5.5V
  • VREF = 4.096V, VDD = 4.5 to 5.5V
  • VREF = 4.3V, VDD = 4.5 to 5.5V
Table 32-28. ADC Accuracy Characteristics External Reference(2)
ResResolution -10- bit
INLIntegral Non-linearityfADC = 15 ksps-0.93.5 LSB
fADC = 77 ksps-0.93.5
fADC = 115 ksps-1.23.5
DNL(1)Differential Non-linearityfADC = 15 ksps-0.21.0LSB
fADC = 77 ksps-0.41.0
fADC = 115 ksps-0.82.0
EABSAbsolute accuracyfADC = 15 ksps-25LSB
fADC = 77 ksps-25
fADC = 115 ksps-25
EGAINGain errorfADC = 15 ksps-124LSB
fADC = 77 ksps-124
fADC = 115 ksps-124
EOFFOffset error-4-0.52LSB
  1. A DNL error of less than or equal to 1 LSB ensures a monotonic transfer function with no missing codes.
  2. These parameters are for design guidance only. Not production tested.