Oscillator Configuration

The default value given in this fuse description is the factory-programmed value and should not be mistaken for the Reset value.
Offset: 0x02
Reset: 0x02
Property: -

Bit 76543210 
Access RRR 
Reset 010 

Bit 7 – OSCLOCK Oscillator Lock

This fuse bit is loaded to LOCK in CLKCTRL.OSC20MCALIBB during Reset.
0x0 Calibration registers of the 20 MHz oscillator can be modified at run-time
0x1 Calibration registers of the 20 MHz oscillator are locked at run-time

Bits 1:0 – FREQSEL[1:0] Frequency Select

These bits select the operation frequency of the internal RC Oscillator (OSC20M) and determine the respective factory calibration values to be written to CAL20M in CLKCTRL.OSC20MCALIBA and TEMPCAL20M in CLKCTRL.OSC20MCALIBB.
0x0 Reserved
0x1 Run at 16 MHz
0x2 Run at 20 MHz
0x3 Reserved