6 Start-Up Testing

Perform the following steps to test the start-up:

  1. Connect the driver through the 20-pin control header to your drive electronics and supply the driver with 15V.
  2. Send a low signal to pin number 19 (fault reset pin). Return pin number 19 to a high condition.
    Note: If the driver is configured for auto-reset, skip this step.
  3. Check the gate voltage:
    Note: Dependent on SiC MOSFET with Qg = 1025 nC, Vth = 2.9V, and Ciss = 19.5 nF.
    1. For the Off-state, the nominal gate voltage must be −6V to −4V.
    2. For the On-state, it is 17V to 21V.
    3. Ensure the supply current of the driver is within specified limit when the inactive or active trigger signals are applied, and then at the desired switching frequency.
  4. The system is now ready for application testing under the load conditions.
  5. Check thermal conditions to verify that the system is operating within the specified temperature range.
  6. Do not apply high voltage to the SiC module without first applying power to the GNU Debugger (GDB).