Tamper Detection

The RTC provides eight tamper channels that can be used for tamper detection.

The action of each tamper channel is configured using the Input n Action bits in the Tamper Control register (TAMPCTRL.INnACT):
  • Off: Detection for tamper channel n is disabled.
  • Wake: A transition on INn input (tamper channel n) matching TAMPCTRL.TAMPLVLn will be detected and the tamper interrupt flag (INTFLAG.TAMPER) will be set. The RTC value will not be captured in the TIMESTAMP register.
  • Capture: A transition on INn input (tamper channel n) matching TAMPCTRL.TAMPLVLn will be detected and the tamper interrupt flag (INTFLAG.TAMPER) will be set. The RTC value will be captured in the TIMESTAMP register.
  • Active Tamper Detection: A mismatch of an internal RTC signal routed between INn and OUTn pins will be detected and the tamper interrupt flag (INTFLAG.TAMPER) will be set. The RTC value will be captured in the TIMESTAMP register.

In order to determine which tamper source caused a tamper event, the Tamper ID register (TAMPID) provides the detection status of each tamper channel. These bits remain active until cleared by software.

A single interrupt request (TAMPER) is available for all tamper channels.

The RTC also supports an input event (TAMPEVT) for generating a tamper condition within the Event System. The tamper input event is enabled by the Tamper Input Event Enable bit in the Event Control register (EVCTRL.TAMPEVEI).

Up to four polarity external inputs (INn) can be used for tamper detection. The polarity for each input is selected with the Tamper Level bits in the Tamper Control register (TAMPCTRL.TAMPLVLn).

Separate debouncers are embedded for each external input. The debouncer for each input is enabled/disabled with the Debounce Enable bits in the Tamper Control register (TAMPCTRL.DEBNCn). The debouncer configuration is fixed for all inputs as set by the Control B register (CTRLB). The debouncing period duration is configurable using the Debounce Frequency field in the Control B register (CTRLB.DEBF). The period is set for all debouncers (i.e., the duration cannot be adjusted separately for each debouncer).

When TAMPCTRL.DEBNCn = 0, INn is detected asynchronously. See the Edge Detection with Debouncer Disabled figure for an example.

When TAMPCTRL.DEBNCn = 1, the detection time depends on whether the debouncer operates synchronously or asynchronously, and whether majority detection is enabled or not. Refer to the table below for more details. Synchronous versus asynchronous stability debouncing is configured by the Debounce Asynchronous Enable bit in the Control B register (CTRLB.DEBASYNC):
  • Synchronous (CTRLB.DEBASYNC = 0): INn is synchronized in two CLK_RTC periods and then must remain stable for four CLK_RTC_DEB periods before a valid detection occurs. See the Edge Detection with Synchronous Stability Debouncing figure for an example.
  • Asynchronous (CTRLB.DEBASYNC = 1): The first edge on INn is detected. Further detection is blanked until INn remains stable for four CLK_RTC_DEB periods. See the Edge Detection with Asynchronous Stability Debouncing figure for an example.
Majority debouncing is configured by the Debounce Majority Enable bit in the Control B register (CTRLB.DEBMAJ). INn must be valid for two out of three CLK_RTC_DEB periods. See the Edge Detection with Majority Debouncing figure for an example.
Table 25-4. Debouncer Configuration
0XXDetect edge on INn with no debouncing. Every edge detected is immediately triggered.
100Detect edge on INn with synchronous stability debouncing. Edge detected is only triggered when INn is stable for 4 consecutive CLK_RTC_DEB periods.
101Detect edge on INn with asynchronous stability debouncing. First detected edge is triggered immediately. All subsequent detected edges are ignored until INn is stable for 4 consecutive CLK_RTC_DEB periods.
11XDetect edge on INn with majority debouncing. Pin INn is sampled for 3 consecutive CLK_RTC_DEB periods. Signal level is determined by majority-rule (LLL, LLH, LHL, HLL = '0' and LHH, HLH, HHL, HHH = '1').
Figure 25-6. Edge Detection with Debouncer Disabled
Figure 25-7. Edge Detection with Synchronous Stability Debouncing
Figure 25-8. Edge Detection with Asynchronous Stability Debouncing
Figure 25-9. Edge Detection with Majority Debouncing