3.3 Onboard Electrode Selection/External Electrode Connection

Header J9 is an array of jumpers that serves two purposes: to enable or disable the on-board touch sensors, and to provide a connection point for up to six external sensors.

When used to control the on-board sensors, a jumper placed on this array during power-up disables the corresponding sensor. One end of the jumper array is connected to VDD while the other end is connected to the Driven shield and the sensor pins.

This feature can be used to disable up to five buttons. When only three buttons are enabled, the Evaluation Kit emulates the behavior of the MTCH1030 three-channel touch controller.

Disabling the on-board sensors can be enabled or disabled on power-up only. To change the sensor status, the kit must be power cycled after changing the jumper

Header J9 is also used to connect up to six external electrodes. All of the input lines of the touch controller are connected to this header, as well as the on-board sensors. When connecting an external sensor, it is recommended to disconnect the on-board touch sensors by removing their corresponding series resistors.