3.2 Easy Tune

The Easy Tune feature automatically adjusts the touch thresholds of the sensors, based on their current noise level. The variation in threshold is adjusted based on both sensor noise and the setting of the CFG2 potentiometer.

Easy Tune feature also automatically overrides CFG1 and CFG2 options in certain conditions. Refer to the “MTCH1060 Data Sheet” for more details.

Easy Tune is designed to operate regular size buttons (i.e., 10 x 10 mm) with 1 - 2 mm or 2 - 4 mm overlay thickness without further tuning or configuration of the MTCH1060 required. For a default out-of-the-box experience of Easy Tune, set CFG2 to GND (fully counterclockwise) and CFG1 to GND (jumper removed from all positions)

Easy Tune feature can only be enabled or disabled on power-up. If the setting must be changed, power cycle the kit after changing the jumper.