3.3.1 Host PC with On-Board MCP2200 USB-to-UART Converter (PC Companion Mode)

The simplest method for using the RNWF02 Add On Board is to connect it to a host PC that supports USB CDC virtual COM (serial) ports using the on-board MCP2200 USB-to-UART converter. The user can send ASCII commands to the RNWF02PC module using a terminal emulator application. In this case, the PC acts as the host device. The MCP2200 is configured in the Reset condition until the USB supply is plugged in.

Use the following serial terminal settings:
  • Baud rate: 230400
  • No flow control
  • Data: 8 bits
  • No parity
  • Stop: 1 bit
Note: Press the ENTER button in the terminal for command execution.
Table 3-3. RNWF02PC Module Connection to MCP2200 USB-to-UART Converter
Pin on MCP2200Pin on RNWF02PC ModuleDescription
TXPin19, UART1_RXRNWF02PC module UART1 receive
RXPin14, UART1_TXRNWF02PC module UART1 transmit
RTSPin16, UART1_CTSRNWF02PC module UART1 Clear- to-Send (active-low)
CTSPin15, UART1_ RTSRNWF02PC module UART1 Request- to-Send (active-low)
GP2Pin4, MCLRRNWF02PC module Reset (active-low)
GP3Pin11, ReservedReserved
GP4Pin13, IRQ/INTOUTInterrupt request (active-low) from the RNWF02PC module