37.9.28 XDMAC Channel x Configuration Register [x = 0..15]

Offset: 0x78 + n*0x40 [n=0..15]
Reset: 0x00000020
Property: Read/Write

Bit 3130292827262524 
Reset 0000000 
Bit 2322212019181716 
Reset 0000000 
Bit 15141312111098 
Reset 0000000 
Bit 76543210 
Reset 0010000 

Bits 30:24 – PERID[6:0] Channel x Peripheral Hardware Request Line Identifier

This field contains the peripheral hardware request line identifier. PERID refers to identifiers defined in “DMA Controller Peripheral Connections”.

Note: When a memory-to-memory transfer is performed, configure PERID to 0x7F.

Bit 23 – WRIP Write in Progress

0 DONE No active write transaction on the bus.
1 IN_PROGRESS A write transaction is in progress.

Bit 22 – RDIP Read in Progress

0 DONE No active read transaction on the bus.
1 IN_PROGRESS A read transaction is in progress.

Bit 21 – INITD Channel Initialization Done

When set to 0, XDMAC_CUBC.UBLEN and XDMAC_CNDA.NDA field values are unreliable each time a descriptor is being updated. See XDMAC Software Requirements.

0 IN_PROGRESS Channel initialization is in progress.
1 TERMINATED Channel initialization is completed.

Bits 19:18 – DAM[1:0] Channel x Destination Addressing Mode

0 FIXED_AM The address remains unchanged.
1 INCREMENTED_AM The addressing mode is incremented (the increment size is set to the data size).
2 UBS_AM The microblock stride is added at the microblock boundary.
3 UBS_DS_AM The microblock stride is added at the microblock boundary; the data stride is added at the data boundary.

Bits 17:16 – SAM[1:0] Channel x Source Addressing Mode

0 FIXED_AM The address remains unchanged.
1 INCREMENTED_AM The addressing mode is incremented (the increment size is set to the data size).
2 UBS_AM The microblock stride is added at the microblock boundary.
3 UBS_DS_AM The microblock stride is added at the microblock boundary, the data stride is added at the data boundary.

Bit 14 – DIF Channel x Destination Interface Identifier

0 AHB_IF0 The data is written through system bus interface 0.
1 AHB_IF1 The data is written through system bus interface 1.

Bit 13 – SIF Channel x Source Interface Identifier

0 AHB_IF0 The data is read through system bus interface 0.
1 AHB_IF1 The data is read through system bus interface 1.

Bits 12:11 – DWIDTH[1:0] Channel x Data Width

0 BYTE The data size is set to 8 bits
1 HALFWORD The data size is set to 16 bits
2 WORD The data size is set to 32 bits
3 DWORD The data size is set to 64 bits

Bits 10:8 – CSIZE[2:0] Channel x Chunk Size

0 CHK_1 1 data transferred
1 CHK_2 2 data transferred
2 CHK_4 4 data transferred
3 CHK_8 8 data transferred
4 CHK_16 16 data transferred

Bit 7 – MEMSET Channel x Fill Block of Memory

0 NORMAL_MODE Memset is not activated.
1 HW_MODE Sets the block of memory pointed by DA field to the specified value. This operation is performed on 8-, 16- or 32-bit basis.

Bit 6 – SWREQ Channel x Software Request Trigger

0 HWR_CONNECTED Hardware request line is connected to the peripheral request line.
1 SWR_CONNECTED Software request is connected to the peripheral request line.

Bit 5 – PROT  Channel x Protection

When a descriptor is loaded, the PROT bit cannot be modified. If PROT=0 for a channel, the configuration and status registers of this channel cannot be modified by unsecure software.
0 SEC Channel is secured.
1 UNSEC Channel is unsecured.

Bit 4 – DSYNC Channel x Synchronization

0 PER2MEM Peripheral-to-memory transfer
1 MEM2PER Memory-to-peripheral transfer

Bits 2:1 – MBSIZE[1:0] Channel x Memory Burst Size

0 SINGLE The memory burst size is set to one.
1 FOUR The memory burst size is set to four.
2 EIGHT The memory burst size is set to eight.
3 SIXTEEN The memory burst size is set to sixteen.

Bit 0 – TYPE Channel x Transfer Type

0 MEM_TRAN Self-triggered mode (memory-to-memory transfer)
1 PER_TRAN Synchronized mode (peripheral-to-memory or memory-to-peripheral transfer)