57.6.11 ICM User Initial Hash Value Register

Offset: 0x38 + x*0x04 [x=0..7]
Property: Write-only

Bit 3130292827262524 
Bit 2322212019181716 
Bit 15141312111098 
Bit 76543210 

Bits 31:0 – VAL[31:0] Initial Hash Value

When ICM_CFG.UIHASH is set, the Initial Hash Value is user-programmable.

To meet the desired standard, use the following example values.

For ICM_UIHVAL0 field:

Example Comment
0x67452301 SHA1 algorithm
0xC1059ED8 SHA224 algorithm
0x6A09E667 SHA256 algorithm

For ICM_UIHVAL1 field:

Example Comment
0xEFCDAB89 SHA1 algorithm
0x367CD507 SHA224 algorithm
0xBB67AE85 SHA256 algorithm

For ICM_UIHVAL2 field:

Example Comment
0x98BADCFE SHA1 algorithm
0x3070DD17 SHA224 algorithm
0x3C6EF372 SHA256 algorithm

For ICM_UIHVAL3 field:

Example Comment
0x10325476 SHA1 algorithm
0xF70E5939 SHA224 algorithm
0xA54FF53A SHA256 algorithm

For ICM_UIHVAL4 field:

Example Comment
0xC3D2E1F0 SHA1 algorithm
0xFFC00B31 SHA224 algorithm
0x510E527F SHA256 algorithm

For ICM_UIHVAL5 field:

Example Comment
0x68581511 SHA224 algorithm
0x9B05688C SHA256 algorithm

For ICM_UIHVAL6 field:

Example Comment
0x64F98FA7 SHA224 algorithm
0x1F83D9AB SHA256 algorithm

For ICM_UIHVAL7 field:

Example Comment
0xBEFA4FA4 SHA224 algorithm
0x5BE0CD19 SHA256 algorithm

Example of Initial Value for SHA-1 Algorithm

Register Address Address Offset / Byte Lane
0x3 / 31:24 0x2 / 23:16 0x1 / 15:8 0x0 / 7:0
0x000 ICM_UIHVAL0 01 23 45 67
0x004 ICM_UIHVAL1 89 ab cd ef
0x008 ICM_UIHVAL2 fe dc ba 98
0x00C ICM_UIHVAL3 76 54 32 10
0x010 ICM_UIHVAL4 f0 e1 d2 c3