Rx FIFO Overwrite Mode

The Rx FIFO Overwrite mode is configured by MCAN_RXFnC.FnOM = ‘1’.

When an Rx FIFO full condition (MCAN_RXFnS.FnPI = MCAN_RXFnS.FnGI) is signalled by MCAN_RXFnS.FnF = ‘1’, the next message accepted for the FIFO will overwrite the oldest FIFO message. Put and get index are both incremented by one.

When an Rx FIFO is operated in Overwrite mode and an Rx FIFO full condition is signalled, reading of the Rx FIFO elements should start at least at get index + 1. The reason for that is, that it might happen, that a received message is written to the Message RAM (put index) while the processor is reading from the Message RAM (get index). In this case inconsistent data may be read from the respective Rx FIFO element. Adding an offset to the get index when reading from the Rx FIFO avoids this problem. The offset depends on how fast the processor accesses the Rx FIFO. The figure below shows an offset of two with respect to the get index when reading the Rx FIFO. In this case the two messages stored in element 1 and 2 are lost.

Figure 52-8. Rx FIFO Overflow Handling

After reading from the Rx FIFO, the number of the last element read has to be written to the Rx FIFO Acknowledge Index MCAN_RXFnA.FnA. This increments the get index to that element number. In case the put index has not been incremented to this Rx FIFO element, the Rx FIFO full condition is reset (MCAN_RXFnS.FnF = ‘0’).