21.6.3 CCPRx

Capture/Compare/Pulse Width Register
Name: CCPRx
Offset: 0xFAA,0xFA6

Bit 15141312111098 
Reset xxxxxxxx 
Bit 76543210 
Reset xxxxxxxx 

Bits 15:8 – CCPRH[7:0]

Capture/Compare/Pulse Width High byte
0 to 255 MODE = Capture High byte of 16-bit captured value
0 to 255 MODE = Compare High byte of 16-bit compare value
0,1,2,3 MODE = PWM & FMT=0

CCPRH<1:0>=Bits<9:8> of 10-bit Pulse width value

CCPRH<7:2> not used

0 to 255 MODE = PWM & FMT=1 Bits<9:2> of 10-bit Pulse width value

Bits 7:0 – CCPRL[7:0]

Capture/Compare/Pulse Width Low byte
0 to 255 MODE = Capture Low byte of 16-bit captured value
0 to 255 MODE = Compare Low byte of 16-bit compare value
0 to 255 MODE = PWM & FMT=0 Bits<7:0> of 10-bit Pulse width value
0,64,128,192 MODE = PWM & FMT=1

CCPRL<7:6>=Bits<1:0> of 10-bit Pulse width value

CCPRL<5:0> not used