32 (CMP) Comparator Module

Comparators are used to interface analog circuits to a digital circuit by comparing two analog voltages and providing a digital indication of their relative magnitudes. Comparators are very useful mixed-signal building blocks because they provide analog functionality independent of program execution. The PIC18(L)F26/45/46K40 devices have two comparators (C1/C2).

The analog comparator module includes the following features:

  • Programmable input selection
  • Programmable output polarity
  • Rising/falling output edge interrupts
  • Wake-up from Sleep
  • CWG Auto-shutdown source
  • Selectable voltage reference
  • ADC Auto-trigger
  • Odd numbered timers (Timer1, Timer3, etc.) Gate
  • Even numbered timers (Timer2, Timer4, etc.) Reset
  • CCP Capture Mode Input
  • DSM Modulator Source
  • Input and Window Signal-to-Signal Measurement Timer