4.9 Starting and Stopping Debugging

Note: Refer to the MPLAB X IDE WebHelp for information on menu option icons.

To debug an application in MPLAB X IDE, you must create a project that contains your source code so that the code may be built, programmed into your device and executed as specified below:

  • To run your code, select either Debug > Debug Main Project or
    from the Run toolbar.
  • To halt your code, select either Debug > Pause or
    from the Debug toolbar.
  • To run your code again, select either Debug > Continue or
    from the Debug toolbar.
  • To step through your code, select either Debug > Step Into or
    from the Debug toolbar. Be careful not to step into a Sleep instruction or you will have to perform a processor Reset to resume debugging.
  • To step over a line of code, select either Debug > Step Over or
    from the Debug toolbar.
  • To end code execution, select either Debug > Finish Debugger Session or
    from the Debug toolbar.
  • To perform a processor Reset on your code, select either Debug > Reset or
    from the Debug toolbar. 

Depending on the device, additional Resets, such as POR/BOR, MCLR and System, may be available. Refer to the product data sheet for more information.