4.10 Viewing Processor Memory and Files

MPLAB X IDE provides several windows for viewing debug and memory information. These are selectable from the Window menu. See the MPLAB X IDE Online Help for more information on using these windows.

  • Window > Target Memory Views - view data (Data Memory) and code (Execution Memory) in device memory. Other memory can also be viewed as defined by the device including Peripherals, Configuration Bits, CPU Registers, External EBI Memory, External SQI Memory, User ID Memory, etc.
  • Window > Debugging - view debug information. Select from Variables, Watches, Call Stack, Breakpoints, Stopwatch and many others.

To view your source code, find the source code file you wish to view in the Projects window and double-click to open it in a Files window. Code in this window is color-coded according to the processor and build tool that you have selected. To change the style of color-coding, select Tools > Options, Fonts & Colors, Syntax tab.