5.4 IO Ports Tab

The following figure illustrates the IO Port Configuration within the IO Ports tab for setup of the IO port pins of the ATA8510 device at start-up time. These settings change when executing the ROM firmware or Flash application. For more details on the EEPROM port pin configuration, refer to the ATA8510/15 Industrial User's Guide (DS50003142). For more details about debug support, refer to the ATAN0096 ATA8510 Programmer's Guide.

Figure 5-8. IO Ports Tab
Note: The check boxes for Additional High Side Driver Active and Additional Low Side Driver Active activate an additional strong driver in conjunction with the default driver.

The preceding figure illustrates the default settings that define the IO pin configurations. To select and enable the alternative functions in other tabs, see the following table for port B, and Table 5-2 for port C. Enable these alternative settings within the ROM firmware or the Flash application and overwrite the initial settings from the IO ports configuration. For more details about the IO ports and the alternate functions, refer to the ATA8510/15 Industrial User's Guide (DS50003142).

Table 5-1. Alternative Port B Pin Configurations


Alternate Function

Activation in Tab

GUI Function



System Init – Clock

Check Clock Output Enable



Always SPI clock input



Always SPI data input



Always SPI data output



Active during power-up



Always SPI peripheral select input



Always event output



Active during power-up


System Init – RX Active Pin (PB7)

Check RX Active Enable

Table 5-2. Alternative Port C Pin Configurations
PinAlternate FunctionActivation in TabGUI Function or Comment

The fuse setting enables the device reset
“CSC0”Services (2) – Channel Switch Control

Enable channel 0 switch output

(only use when reset is disabled)


Active during power-up
“CSC1”Services (2) – Channel Switch ControlEnable channel 1 switch output

Enable signal for LIN transceiver

(LIN implemented by software)


Active during power-up
“TRPA”Services – Path A, Demodulation SettingsRaw Transp. Output
“CSC2”Services (2) – Channel Switch ControlEnable channel 2 switch output
“PC3”“NPWRON3”Active during power-up
“TMDO”Services – RF SettingsReshaped Transp. Output

Connected to timer4 TM1 output signal

(LIN implemented by software)

“CSC3”Services (2) – Channel Switch ControlEnable channel 3 switch output

Active during power-up

Selected with transparent TXMode

(must set to input)


Connected to timer4 TICP input signal

(LIN implemented by software)

“CSC4”Services (2) – Channel Switch ControlEnable channel 4 switch output

Active during power-up
“TRPB”Services – Path B, Demodulation SettingsRaw Transp. Output
“TMDO_CLK”Services – RF SettingsReshaped Transp. Output
“CSC5”Services (2) – Channel Switch ControlEnable channel 5 switch output