3.2.6 Standard Serial Communication Interfaces Distribution
SAM9X75-Curiosity features several devices and interfaces that use UART, SPI and TWI interfaces. These are multiplexed in order to minimize the number of pins used and maximize the number of addressable devices.
The following table shows the PIOs assignment and signal description.
Pad | Power Rail | Function | I/O Type |
PA0 | VDDIOP0 | SDMMC0_DAT0 | Data 0 bidirectional line going to the microSD card connector (J14) |
PA1 | VDDIOP0 | SDMMC0_CMD | Command (CMD) bidirectional line going to the microSD card connector (J14) |
PA2 | VDDIOP0 | SDMMC0_CK | Clock (CLK) output line going to the microSD card connector (J14) |
PA3 | VDDIOP0 | SDMMC0_DAT1 | Data 1 bidirectional line going to the microSD card connector (J14) |
PA4 | VDDIOP0 | SDMMC0_DAT2 | Data 2 bidirectional line going to the microSD card connector (J14) |
PA5 | VDDIOP0 | SDMMC0_DAT3 | Data 3 bidirectional line going to the microSD card connector (J14) |
PA6 | VDDIOP0 | SDMMC1_DAT1 | Data 1 bidirectional line going to the M.2 KEYE connector (J20) |
PA7 | VDDIOP0 | SDMMC1_DAT2 | Data 2 bidirectional line going to the M.2 KEYE connector (J20) |
PA8 | VDDIOP0 | SDMMC1_DAT3 | Data 3 bidirectional line going to the M.2 KEYE connector (J20) |
PA9 | VDDIOP0 | SDMMC1_DAT0 | Data 0 bidirectional line going to the M.2 KEYE connector (J20) |
SPI Host Input Client Output (MISO) input line going to the M.2 KEYE connector (J20) | |||
PA10 | VDDIOP0 | SDMMC1_CMD | Command (CMD) bidirectional line going to the M.2 KEYE connector (J20) |
FLEXCOM4_IO0_SPI_MOSI | SPI Host Output Client Input (MOSI) output line going to the M.2 KEYE connector (J20) | ||
PA11 | VDDIOP0 | SDMMC1_CK | Clock (CLK) output line going to the M.2 KEYE connector (J20) |
FLEXCOM4_IO2_SPI_CLK | SPI Clock (SCK) output line going to the M.2 KEYE connector (J20) | ||
PA12 | VDDIOP0 | PMIC_INT | PMIC Interrupt line for other I2C devices |
PA13 | VDDIOP0 | SDMMC1_CD | Card Detect input line going to the M.2 KEYE connector (J20) |
FLEXCOM4_IO4_SPI_CS | SPI Chip Select (CS) output line going to the M.2 KEYE connector (J20) | ||
PA14 | VDDIOP0 | FLEXCOM5_IO3_CTS | UART Clear to Send (CTS) input line going to the M.2 KEYE connector (J20) |
PA15 | VDDIOP0 | FLEXCOM5_IO1_RXD | UART Receive (RXD) input line going to the M.2 KEYE connector (J20) |
RPi_GPIO15_MPU32_RXD | UART Receive (RX) input line going to the external 40-pin connector (J27) | ||
PA16 | VDDIOP0 | FLEXCOM5_IO0_TXD | UART Transmit (TXD) output line going to the M.2 KEYE connector (J20) |
RPi_GPIO14_MPU32_TXD | UART Transmit (TX) output line going to the external 40-pin connector (J27) | ||
PA17 | VDDIOP0 | MBUS_1_NRST | Reset signal going to the mikroBUS connector (J25) |
PA18 | VDDIOP0 | CLASSD_L0 | Class D controller Left Output 0 to Class D connector (J36) |
PA19 | VDDIOP0 | CLASSD_L1 | Class D controller Left Output 1 to Class D connector (J36) |
PA20 | VDDIOP0 | MXT_IRQ | LCD Interrupt line for other I2C devices input signal going to Video LVDS connector (J28) |
PA21 | VDDIOP0 | RPi_GPIO23 | GPIO going to the external 40-pin connector (J27) |
M.2_NRST | Reset line output going to M.2 KEYE connector (J20) | ||
PA22 | VDDIOP0 | RPi_GPIO24 | GPIO going to the external 40-pin connector (J27) |
PA23 | VDDIOP0 | SDMMC0_CD | Card Detect input line going to the microSD card connector (J14) |
PA24 | VDDIOP0 | M.2_I2C_DATA | TWI Data (TWD) bidirectional line shared between the M.2 KEYE connector (J20), PMIC, Camera MIPI connector (J29) and Video LVDS connector (J28) |
PMIC_ I2C_DATA | |||
CAM_I2C_DATA | |||
LCD_I2C_DATA | |||
PA25 | VDDANA | M.2_I2C_CLK | TWI Clock (TWCK) output line shared between the M.2 KEYE connector (J20), PMIC, Camera MIPI connector (J29) and Video LVDS connector (J28) |
PMIC_ I2C_ CLK | |||
CAM_I2C_ CLK | |||
LCD_I2C_ CLK | |||
PA26 | VDDANA | DBGU_RX | Debug UART Receive (DRX) input line going to Debug connector (J35) |
PA27 | VDDANA | DBGU_TX | Debug UART Transmit (DTX) output line going to Debug connector (J35) |
PA28 | VDDANA | MBUS_1_TX | UART Transmit (TX) output line going to the mikroBUS connector (J25) |
PA29 | VDDANA | MBUS_1_RX | UART Receive (RX) input line going to the mikroBUS connector (J25) |
PA30 | VDDANA | FLEXCOM5_IO4_RTS | UART Request to Send (RTS) output line going to the M.2 KEYE connector (J20) |
PA31 | VDDANA | MBUS_1_AN | Analog input from the mikroBUS connector (J25) |
PB0 | VDDIOP2 | RGMII_RXD2/GMII_RXD2 | MII Ethernet Receive Data 2 signal going to SODIMM connector (J17) |
PB1 | VDDIOP2 | RGMII_RXD3/GMII_RXD3 | MII Ethernet Receive Data 3 signal going to SODIMM connector (J17) |
PB2 | VDDIOP2 | GIGABIT_ETH_125CK | Gigabit Ethernet 125CK signal going to SODIMM connector (J17) |
PB3 | VDDIOP2 | RGMII_RXCTL/GMII_RXDV | MII Ethernet Receive Data Valid signal going to SODIMM connector (J17) |
PB4 | VDDIOP2 | RGMII_TXD2/GMII_TXD2 | MII Ethernet Transmit Data 2 signal going to SODIMM connector (J17) |
PB5 | VDDIOP2 | RGMII_TXD3/GMII_TXD3 | MII Ethernet Transmit Data 3 signal going to SODIMM connector (J17) |
PB6 | VDDIOP2 | RGMII_TXC-TXCK/GMII_TXCLK | MII Ethernet Transmit Clock signal going to SODIMM connector (J17) |
PB7 | VDDIOP2 | RGMII_TXCTL/GMII_TXEN | MII Ethernet Transmit Enable signal going to SODIMM connector (J17) |
PB8 | VDDIOP2 | RGMII_RXC-RXCK/GMII_RXCLK | MII Ethernet Receive Clock signal going to SODIMM connector (J17) |
PB9 | VDDIOP2 | GIGABIT_ETH_MDIO | MII Ethernet Management Data I/O signal going to SODIMM connector (J17) |
PB10 | VDDIOP2 | GIGABIT_ETH_MDC | MII Ethernet Management Data Clock signal going to SODIMM connector (J17) |
PB11 | VDDIOP2 | RGMII_RXD0/GMII_RXD0 | MII Ethernet Receive Data 0 signal going to SODIMM connector (J17) |
PB12 | VDDIOP2 | RGMII_RXD1/GMII_RXD1 | MII Ethernet Receive Data 1 signal going to SODIMM connector (J17) |
PB13 | VDDIOP2 | RGMII_TXD0/GMII_TXD0 | MII Ethernet Transmit Data 0 signal going to SODIMM connector (J17) |
PB14 | VDDIOP2 | RGMII_TXD1/GMII_TXD1 | MII Ethernet Transmit Data 1 signal going to SODIMM connector (J17) |
PB15 | VDDQSPI | RPi_GPIO19_I²S_WS | I2S Word Select (WS) signal going to the external 40-pin connector (J27) |
PB16 | VDDQSPI | RPi_GPIO20_I²S_DIN | I2S Data IN (DIN) signal going to the external 40-pin connector (J27) |
PB17 | VDDQSPI | RPi_GPIO21_I²S_DOUT | I2S Data OUT (DOUT) signal going to the external 40-pin connector (J27) |
PB18 | VDDQSPI | MBUS_1_INT | Interrupt line input shared between the mikroBUS 1 connector (J25), PAC1934 and M.2 KEYE connector (J20) |
PAC1934_INT | |||
M.2_INT | |||
PB19 | VDDQSPI | QSPI_SCK | QSPI Clock signal going to SST26VF064BEUIT-104I/MF |
PB20 | VDDQSPI | QSPI_CS | QSPI Chip Select signal going to SST26VF064BEUIT-104I/MF |
PB21 | VDDQSPI | QSPI_IO0 | QSPI Data 0 signal going to SST26VF064BEUIT-104I/MF |
PB22 | VDDQSPI | QSPI_IO1 | QSPI Data 1 signal going to SST26VF064BEUIT-104I/MF |
PB23 | VDDQSPI | QSPI_IO2 | QSPI Data 2 signal going to SST26VF064BEUIT-104I/MF |
PB24 | VDDQSPI | QSPI_IO3 | QSPI Data 3 signal going to SST26VF064BEUIT-104I/MF |
PB25 | VDDQSPI | RPi_GPIO4_I²S_MCK/GPCLK0 | I2S Host Clock (MCK) signal going to the external 40-pin connector (J27) |
PB26 | VDDQSPI | RPi_GPIO18_I²S_BCLK | I2S Clock (CK) signal going to the external 40-pin connector (J27) |
PC0 | VDDIOP1 | PAC_I2C_DATA | TWI Data (TWD) bidirectional line shared between the PAC1934, SODIMM connector (J15), mikroBUS connector (J22) and external 40-pin connector (J27) |
MBUS_1_I2C_DATA | |||
RPi_GPIO2_I2C_SDA | |||
PC1 | VDDIOP1 | PAC_I2C_CLK | TWI Clock (TWCK) output line shared between the PAC1934, SODIMM connector (J15), mikroBUS connector (J22) and external 40-pin connector (J27) |
MBUS_1_I2C_ CLK | |||
RPi_GPIO3_I2C_SCL | |||
PC2 | VDDLVDS | LCD_LVDS_D0_N | LVDS Data 0 N signal going to Video LVDS connector (J28) |
PC3 | VDDLVDS | LCD_LVDS_D0_P | LVDS Data 0 P signal going to Video LVDS connector (J28) |
PC4 | VDDLVDS | LCD_LVDS_D1_N | LVDS Data 1 N signal going to Video LVDS connector (J28) |
PC5 | VDDLVDS | LCD_LVDS_D1_P | LVDS Data 1 P signal going to Video LVDS connector (J28) |
PC6 | VDDLVDS | LCD_LVDS_D2_N | LVDS Data 2 N signal going to Video LVDS connector (J28) |
PC7 | VDDLVDS | LCD_LVDS_D2_P | LVDS Data 2 P signal going to Video LVDS connector (J28) |
PC9 | VDDIOP1 | USER_BUTTON | GPIO used as input to probe the changes of the user button |
PC10 | VDDLVDS | LCD_LVDS_CK_N | LVDS Clock N signal going to Video LVDS connector (J28) |
PC11 | VDDLVDS | LCD_LVDS_CK_P | LVDS Clock P signal going to Video LVDS connector (J28) |
PC12 | VDDLVDS | LCD_LVDS_D3_N | LVDS Data 3 N signal going to Video LVDS connector (J26) |
PC13 | VDDLVDS | LCD_LVDS_D3_P | LVDS Data 3 P signal going to Video LVDS connector (J28) |
PC14 | VDDIOP1 | RGB_LED_RED | LD1 red LED |
PC15 | VDDIOP1 | MIPI_CSI_GPIO1 | GPIO going to the Camera MIPI connector (J29) |
PC16 | VDDIOP1 | WIRELESS_WAKE | GPIO used as wireless wake up going to the M.2 KEYE connector (J20) |
PC17 | VDDIOP1 | IRQN | GPIO used as IRQ going to the M.2 KEYE connector (J20) |
PC18 | VDDIOP1 | LCD_BACKLIGHT_PWM | LCD PWM for Contrast Control output signal going to Video LVDS connector (J28) |
PC19 | VDDIOP1 | MIPI_CSI_GPIO0 | GPIO going to the Camera MIPI connector (J29) |
PC20 | VDDIOP1 | RGB_LED_BLUE | LD1 blue LED |
RPi_GPIO13_PWM1 | PWM1 signal output line going to the external 40-pin connector (J27) | ||
PC21 | VDDIOP1 | RGB_LED_GREEN | LD1 green LED |
MBUS_1_PWM | PWM signal output line going to the mikroBUS connector (J22) | ||
PC22 | VDDIOP1 | MBUS_1_SPI_MOSI | SPI Host Output Client Input (MOSI) output line shared between the mikroBUS connector (J22), the external 40-pin connector (J27) and the SODIMM connector (J17) |
PC23 | VDDIOP1 | MBUS_1_SPI _MISO | SPI Host Input Client Output (MISO) input line shared between the mikroBUS connector (J22), the external 40-pin connector (J27) and the SODIMM connector (J17) |
PC24 | VDDIOP1 | MBUS_1_SPI_NPCS | SPI Chip Select (CS) output line for the mikroBUS connector (J22) |
PC25 | VDDIOP1 | NRST_OUT | Output signal used to reset all the devices on the board |
RPi_GPIO8_SPI_ NPCS0/ GIGABIT_SPI_NPCS0 | SPI Chip Select 0 (CS) output line for external 40-pin connector (J27) or the SODIMM connector (J17) | ||
PC26 | VDDIOP1 | MBUS_1_SPI _SCK | SPI Clock (SCK) output line shared between the mikroBUS connector (J22), the external 40-pin connector (J27) and the SODIMM connector (J17) |
RPi_GPIO11_SPI _ SCK | |||
PC27 | VDDIOP1 | USBB_EN_5V | Power Delivery Enable signal for USBB host interface |
PC28 | VDDIOP1 | USBB_OVCUR | USBB overcurrent flag input |
PC29 | VDDIOP1 | USBC_OVCUR | USBC overcurrent flag input |
PC30 | VDDIOP1 | LCD_MODULE_ENABLE | LCD Enable output signal going to Video LVDS connector (J28) |
PC31 | VDDIOP1 | USBC_EN_5V | Power Delivery Enable signal for USBC host interface |
PD0 | VDDNF | NAND_RE | NAND Flash Read Enable (RE) output signal going to MX30LF4G28ADXKI |
PD1 | VDDNF | NAND_WE | NAND Flash Write Enable (OE) output signal going to MX30LF4G28ADXKI |
NAND Flash Address Latch Enable (ALE) output signal going to MX30LF4G28AD-XKI |
NAND Flash Command Latch Enable (CLE) output signal going to MX30LF4G28AD-XKI |
PD4 | VDDNF | NAND_CS | NAND Flash Chip Select (CS) output signal going to MX30LF4G28AD-XKI |
PD5 | VDDNF | GIGABIT_ETH_IRQ_N | Gigabit Ethernet IRQ_N signal going to SODIMM connector (J17) |
PD6 | VDDNF | NAND_D0 | NAND Flash Data 0 (D0) bidirectional signal going to MX30LF4G28ADXKI |
PD7 | VDDNF | NAND_D1 | NAND Flash Data 1 (D1) bidirectional signal going to MX30LF4G28ADXKI |
PD8 | VDDNF | NAND_D2 | NAND Flash Data 2 (D2) bidirectional signal going to MX30LF4G28ADXKI |
PD9 | VDDNF | NAND_D3 | NAND Flash Data 3 (D3) bidirectional signal going to MX30LF4G28ADXKI |
PD10 | VDDNF | NAND_D4 | NAND Flash Data 4 (D4) bidirectional signal going to MX30LF4G28ADXKI |
PD11 | VDDNF | NAND_D5 | NAND Flash Data 5 (D5) bidirectional signal going to MX30LF4G28ADXKI |
PD12 | VDDNF | NAND_D6 | NAND Flash Data 6 (D6) bidirectional signal going to MX30LF4G28ADXKI |
PD13 | VDDNF | NAND_D7 | NAND Flash Data 7 (D7) bidirectional signal going to MX30LF4G28ADXKI |
NAND Flash Ready/Busy (R/B#) input signal coming from MX30LF4G28AD-XKI |