6.11 CONFIG11

Configuration Byte 11
Name: CONFIG11
Offset: 30 000Ah

Bit 76543210 
Reset 11111111 

Bit 7 – BOOTPOR CRC-on-Boot Enable

1 CRC-on-boot disabled, device will immediately execute user code upon device Reset
0 CRC-on-boot enabled, device will perform CRC check of configured memory before executing user code upon device Reset

Bit 6 – COE Continue on Error for Non-Boot Block Areas Enable

1 Device will halt if a mismatch is found between expected and calculated CRC values for the non-boot block areas of memory
0 Device will continue execution even if a mismatch is found between expected and calculated CRC values for the non-boot block areas of memory

Bit 5 – CFGSCEN Non-Boot Block Area CRC Configuration Fuse Scan Enable

1 Non-boot block area CRC scan/calculation will not include Configuration Fuse values in its calculation
0 Non-boot block area CRC scan/calculation will include all Configuration Fuse values except CONFIG14H-CONFIG16L in its calculation

Bit 4 – DATSCEN Non-Boot Block Area CRC Data EEPROM Scan Enable

1 Non-boot block area CRC scan/calculation will not include Data EEPROM values in its calculation
0 Non-boot block area CRC scan/calculation will include Data EEPROM values in its calculation

Bit 3 – SAFSCEN Non-Boot Block Area CRC SAF Area Scan Enable

1 Non-boot block area CRC scan/calculation will not include SAF area of Flash memory in its calculation if SAF area is enabled
0 Non-boot block area CRC scan/calculation will include SAF area of Flash memory in its calculation if SAF area is enabled

Bit 2 – APPSCEN Non-Boot Block Area CRC Application Code Area Scan Enable

1 Non-boot block area CRC scan/calculation will not include main application code area of Flash memory in its calculations
0 Non-boot block area CRC scan/calculation will include main application code area of Flash memory in its calculations

Bit 1 – BOOTCOE Continue on Error for Boot Block Areas Enable

1 Device will halt if a mismatch is found between expected and calculated CRC values for the boot block areas of memory
0 Device will continue execution even if a mismatch is found between expected and calculated CRC values for the boot block areas of memory

Bit 0 – BOOTSCEN Boot Block Area CRC Scan Enable

1 CRC Scan/calculation on boot block area will not be run
0 CRC Scan/calculation on boot block area will be run