Configuration Byte 2
Offset: 30 0001h

Bit 76543210 
Reset 1111111 

Bit 7 – FCMENS Fail-Safe Clock Monitor Enable for Secondary Crystal Oscillator Enable

1 Fail-Safe Clock Monitor enabled for Secondary Crystal; Fail-Safe timer will set the FSCMS bit and trigger OSFIF interrupt on secondary crystal failure
0 Fail-Safe Clock Monitor disabled for Secondary Crystal

Bit 6 – FCMENP Fail-Safe Clock Monitor Enable for Primary Crystal Oscillator

1 Fail-Safe Clock Monitor enabled for Primary Crystal Oscillator; Fail-Safe timer will set FSCMP bit and trigger OSFIF interrupt on primary crystal failure
0 Fail-Safe Clock Monitor disabled for Primary Crystal Oscillator

Bit 5 – FCMEN Fail-Safe Clock Monitor Enable for FOSC

1 Fail-Safe Clock Monitor enabled; Fail-Safe timer will initiate a clock switch and trigger OSFIF interrupt on FOSC failure
0 Fail-Safe Clock Monitor disabled

Bit 4 – JTAGEN JTAG Boundary Scan Enable

1 Enable JTAG Boundary Scan mode and pins
0 Disable JTAG Boundary Scan mode, JTAG pins revert to user functions

Bit 3 – CSWEN Clock Switch Enable

1 Writing to NOSC and NDIV is allowed
0 The NOSC and NDIV bits cannot be changed by user software

Bit 1 – PR1WAY PRLOCKED One-Way Set Enable

1 The PRLOCKED bit can be cleared and set only once; Priority registers remain locked after one clear/set cycle
0 The PRLOCKED bit can be set and cleared repeatedly (subject to the unlock sequence)

Bit 0 – CLKOUTEN Clock Out Enable

If FEXTOSC = HS, XT, LP, then this bit is ignored.


1 CLKOUT function is disabled; I/O function on OSC2
0 CLKOUT function is enabled; FOSC/4 clock appears at OSC2