33.2 Absolute Maximum Ratings

Stresses beyond those listed in this section may cause permanent damage to the device. This is a stress rating only and functional operation of the device at these or other conditions beyond those indicated in the operational sections of this specification is not implied. Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability.

Table 33-1. Absolute Maximum Ratings
VDDPower supply voltage-0.56V
IVDDCurrent into a VDD pinT = [-40, 85]°C-200mA
T = [85, 125]°C-100mA
IGNDCurrent out of a GND pinT = [-40, 85]°C-200mA
T = [85, 125]°C-100mA
VRSTRESET pin voltage with respect to GND-0.513V
VPINPin voltage with respect to GND-0.5VDD+0.5V
IPINI/O pin sink/source current-4040mA
Ic1(1)I/O pin injection current except RESET pin

VPIN < GND – 0.6V or 5.5V < VPIN ≤ 6.1V
4.9V < VDD ≤ 5.5V

Ic2(1)I/O pin injection current except RESET pin

VPIN < GND – 0.6V or VPIN ≤ 5.5V
VDD ≤ 4.9V

IctotSum of I/O pin injection current except RESET pin-4545mA
TstorageStorage temperature-65150°C
  1. If the VPIN is lower than GND – 0.6V, then a current limiting resistor is required. The negative DC injection current limiting resistor is calculated as R = (GND – 0.6V – VPIN)/ICn.

    If the VPIN is greater than VDD+0.6V, then a current limiting resistor is required. The positive DC injection current limiting resistor is calculated as R = (VPIN – (VDD + 0.6))/ICn.


Care should be taken to avoid overshoot (overvoltage) when connecting the RESET pin to a 12V source. Exposing the pin to a voltage above the rated absolute maximum can activate the pin’s ESD protection circuitry, which will remain activated until the voltage has been brought below approximately 10V. A 12V driver can keep the ESD protection in an activated state (if activated by an overvoltage condition) while driving currents through it, potentially causing permanent damage to the part.