16.13.3 DMAnCON1

DMA Control Register 1
Name: DMAnCON1
Address: 0x0FD

Bit 76543210 
Reset 00000000 

Bits 7:6 – DMODE[1:0] Destination Address Mode Selection

11 Reserved, do not use
10 Destination Pointer (DMADPTR) is decremented after each transfer
01 Destination Pointer (DMADPTR) is incremented after each transfer
00 Destination Pointer (DMADPTR) remains unchanged after each transfer

Bit 5 – DSTP Destination Counter Reload Stop

1 SIRQEN bit is cleared when destination counter reloads
0 SIRQEN bit is not cleared when destination counter reloads

Bits 4:3 – SMR[1:0] Source Memory Region Selection

1x Data EEPROM is selected as the DMA source memory
01 Program Flash Memory is selected as the DMA source memory
00 SFR/GPR data space is selected as the DMA source memory

Bits 2:1 – SMODE[1:0] Source Address Mode Selection

11 Reserved, do not use
10 Source Pointer (DMASPTR) is decremented after each transfer
01 Source Pointer (DMASPTR) is incremented after each transfer
00 Source Pointer (DMASPTR) remains unchanged after each transfer

Bit 0 – SSTP Source Counter Reload Stop

1 SIRQEN bit is cleared when source counter reloads
0 SIRQEN bit is not cleared when source counter reloads