6.2 System Timings

All parameters refer to GND (backplane) and are valid for Tamb = -40°C to +85°C, VVS = 1.9-3.6V (3V application) and 2.4-5.5V (5V application) across all process tolerances unless otherwise specified. Standard EEPROM settings are used unless marked with *. Minimum timing values refer to maximum values of fFRC; maximum timing values refer to minimum values of fFRC (see Electrical Characteristics number 14.30).

Crystal Oscillator frequency fXTO is set to 24.305 MHz for all timing values. Timing values for OFFMode --> RXMode/TXMode/PollingMode can be calculated as the sum of OFFMode --> IDLEMode --> RXMode/TXMode/PollingMode.