1 MCC Melody Polling Design Pattern

This sequential form of control flow, waits for each task to be complete, before moving onto the next. Polled or blocking control flow involves continuously checking a for tasks to complete and waiting (blocking) until a specific condition is met.

In an embedded application, a polled or blocking control flow refers to a method of managing hardware interactions where the software continuously checks (or polls) the status of a device and waits (blocks) until a specific condition is met or an operation is completed. During this waiting period, the system does not perform any other tasks, dedicating its resources entirely to monitoring the device’s status.

Key characteristics of this approach are:

  1. Simplicity - Polled or blocking control is straightforward to implement, as it involves writing a loop that checks the device status repeatedly until the required condition is satisfied.

  2. Deterministic - This method is predictable and deterministic. The program’s flow is easy to understand and trace, as it follows a simple loop until a condition is met.

  3. Resource Utilization - While waiting for a condition to be met, the CPU is used to continuously poll this condition/flag, so other tasks cannot be performed while waiting. The system is mainly idle when performing other tasks, leading to inefficient use of system resources, especially in systems with limited processing capabilities.
  4. Power Consumption - A polled implementation is often associated with increased power consumption, due to the inability to put the CPU into a low-power sleep mode while waiting for tasks to finish.
  5. Suitability - It is used in simple or time-insensitive applications where multitasking is not required or the overhead of more complex non-blocking approaches is not justified.

However, in applications requiring multitasking or time-critical systems, alternative methods like interrupt-driven or non-blocking I/O are often preferred to avoid the inefficiencies of blocking the system while waiting for hardware operations to complete.

1.1 MCC Melody Support for Polling

Since MCC Melody API are non-blocking (see API Characteristics Related to Design Patterns), implementing blocking routines is largely left up to the user, since non-blocking functions can be turned into blocking easily, but the other way around is not possible.
Tip: Since blocking implementations are largely up to the user, Polling implementations are provided in Example Components.
However, there are a few exceptions. When the condition being polled is something internal to the processor, it is often more effective to use several microseconds, than to spend several milliseconds switching context. Below, some examples are listed for the Delay Driver, ADC and SPI.

Delay Driver

Under Timers, the Delay Driver, provides blocking API.

void DELAY_milliseconds(uint16_t milliseconds) {

ADCx Get Conversion

An ADC conversion will deterministically complete a conversion, once started. So blocking a blocking version of this function is available.

adc_result_t ADCC_GetConversion(adcc_channel_t channel)
    adc_result_t res;
    res = ADC0_GetConversionResult();
    return res;
Tip: Sometimes, the polled version may be called ADCC_GetSingleConversion (adcc_channel_t channel).
Tip: The individual API used in the above blocking function is what a developer can use to implement a non-blocking version of this function.

SPI ByteExchange

There are several blocking SPI functions since SPI transfers are deterministic. For example:

void SPI1_BufferExchange(void *bufferData, size_t bufferSize);
void SPI1_BufferRead(void *bufferData, size_t bufferSize);
uint8_t SPI1_ByteExchange(uint8_t byteData);

 uint8_t SPI1_ByteExchange(uint8_t byteData)
    uint8_t returnValue = 0U;
	//Write input data to SPI transmit buffer register
	SPI1TXB = byteData;
	   //Wait on receive interrupt flag to be set
	//Store received data  from receive buffer register 
	returnValue = SPI1RXB;	
	return returnValue;

1.1.1 Task Routines

Designed to be used with the Polling mode of a Melody Component, the non-blocking task routines check a relevant interrupt flag, even though interrupts are disabled, before calling a callback function.

The Task Routine for the timer means that both Polled and Interrupt/Callback implementations of the following 100 ms Timer example have almost the same code. Unlike the ISR, the only difference is that the callback is called via the Task routine.

  1. Different tasks could be checked continuously in the main while loop.
  2. Where available, the Task routine is supported in the interface. The code below shows the interface mapping, and the specific TMR1_Tasks implementation.
#include "mcc_generated_files/system/system.h"
const struct TMR_INTERFACE * Timer = &Timer1; 

static void Timer_Callback(void)
int main(void)

    while (1) 

const struct TMR_INTERFACE Timer1 = {
    .Initialize = TMR1_Initialize,
    .Start = TMR1_Start,
    .Stop = TMR1_Stop,
    .PeriodCountSet = TMR1_Write,
    .TimeoutCallbackRegister = TMR1_OverflowCallbackRegister,
    .Tasks = TMR1_Tasks

void TMR1_Tasks(void)
        PIR3bits.TMR1IF = 0;

DMA Task Routine

void DMA_Tasks( void )
        // DMA Channel0 callback function
        IFS0bits.DMA0IF = 0;

1.2 Pin Manager Use Case: LED Toggle on Button Press (Polled)

An LED toggles ON/OFF every time pressing a BUTTON. The program polls a pin to detect the transition associated with a button press.

Tip: For configuration instructions, see How to use the Pin Manager (PIC16F/18F, AVR®).
#include "mcc_generated_files/system/system.h"
#define EDGE_DETECTED        (true)
#define EDGE_NOT_DETECTED    (false)

inline static bool NegEdgeDetectOnButton(void)
    static bool lastState = false;

    bool const currentState = BUTTON_GetValue() ? true : false;

    if (currentState != lastState && currentState == false)
        lastState = currentState;
        return EDGE_DETECTED;
        lastState = currentState;
        return EDGE_NOT_DETECTED;

static void WaitButton(void)
    while (true)
        while (NegEdgeDetectOnButton() == EDGE_NOT_DETECTED) { }

        if (BUTTON_GetValue() == 0)

void main(void)

    while (true)

1.3 UART Use Case: Control Commands (Polled)

This example shows how to implement a basic Command Line Interface (CLI), a popular way of sending control commands to the microcontroller over the Universal Asynchronous Receiver and Transmitter (UART). The LED is controlled using commands from a terminal, such as MPLAB Data Visualizer.

Tip: For configuration instructions, see How to use the UART Driver (PIC16F/18F , AVR).
Tip: This code assumes the LED is active LOW. GPIO functions, such as LED_SetLow( ) and LED_SetHigh( ), are generated by MCC Melody when configuring a pin and naming it LED.
/* Required header files and define for UART Example 3 */
#include "mcc_generated_files/uart/uart1.h"   //Included by: "mcc_generated_files/system/system.h"
#include <string.h>

void UART_ProcessCommand(void)
        read_msg = UART.Read();
        if(read_msg != '\n' && read_msg != '\r')
            command[index++] = read_msg;
            if((index) > MAX_COMMAND_LEN)
                (index) = 0;
        if(read_msg == '\n')
            command[index] = '\0';
            index = 0;

void UART_executeCommand(char *command)
    if(strcmp(command, "ON") == 0)
        printf("OK, LED ON.\r\n");
    else if (strcmp(command, "OFF") == 0)
        printf("OK, LED OFF.\r\n");
        printf("Incorrect command.\r\n");

int main(void)
    printf("In the terminal, send 'ON' to turn the LED on, and 'OFF' to turn it off.\r\n");
    printf("Note: commands 'ON' and 'OFF' are case sensitive.\r\n");

1.4 UART Use Case: Control Commands (Polled, Callback Error Handling)

When error handling is enabled, errors are handled using callbacks, an example of polled code with callbacks, where critical tasks require immediate attention. In this case, callback functions are registered for various UART errors. In UART_ProcessCommand( ), the UART.ErrorGet( ) is called, which then calls the appropriate callback, depending on the error type.

size_t UART1_ErrorGet(void)
    uart1RxLastError.status = 0;
        uart1RxLastError.ferr = 1; //Framing Error
        if(NULL != UART1_FramingErrorHandler)
        uart1RxLastError.oerr = 1; //Overflow Error
        if(NULL != UART1_OverrunErrorHandler)

    return uart1RxLastError.status;

The complete code listing is shown below - for the same behavior as the previous UART Control Commands example.

#include "mcc_generated_files/system/system.h"
#include <string.h>

uint8_t command[MAX_COMMAND_LEN];
uint8_t index = 0;
uint8_t read_msg;

void UART_executeCommand(char *command);
void UART_ProcessCommand(void);

void UART_FramingErrorCallback(void);
void UART_OverrunErrorCallback(void);
void UART_ParityErrorCallback(void);

void UART_FramingErrorCallback(void)
    (void)printf("UART Framing Error Occurred.\r\n");

void UART_OverrunErrorCallback(void)
    (void)printf("UART Buffer Overrun Error Occurred.\r\n");

void UART_ParityErrorCallback(void)
    (void)printf("UART Parity Error Occurred.\r\n");

void UART_executeCommand(char *command)
    if(strcmp(command, "ON") == 0)
        (void)printf("OK, LED ON.\r\n");
    else if (strcmp(command, "OFF") == 0)
        (void)printf("OK, LED OFF.\r\n");
        (void)printf("Incorrect command.\r\n");

void UART_ProcessCommand(void)
        read_msg = UART.Read();
        size_t error_msg = UART.ErrorGet();
        if ((int)error_msg == 0) // No UART Error after reading
            if (read_msg != '\n' && read_msg != '\r') {
                command[index++] = read_msg;
                if (((int)index) > MAX_COMMAND_LEN) {
                    (index) = 0;
            if (read_msg == '\r') {
                command[index] = '\0';
                index = 0;
        } else{
           (void)printf("Read error has occurred.\r\n");

int main(void)
    (void)printf("In the terminal, send 'ON' to turn the LED on, and 'OFF' to turn it off.\r\n");
    (void)printf("Note: commands 'ON' and 'OFF' are case sensitive.\r\n");