10.1 Overview

The Touch Key module implements functionality that can handle the key sensors, also called as one-dimensional touch sensors. The module receives the raw output from the acquisition module, processes them and provides the touch status of key sensors. The processing includes signal post-processing, environmental drift, touch detection, touch state machine, and timing management for the implementation of application touch sensors. Reference touch sensor designs are provided to assist the users to evaluate and design their custom sensor boards. The touch sensor board view and the sensor design of the QT3 XPlained Pro sensor board are shown below.
Table 10-1. Module Format
GCC compiler libqtm_touch_key_xxxxx_0x0002.a
IAR compiler (AVR® MCU) qtm_touch_key_xxxxx_0x0002.r90
IAR compiler (Arm® MCU) qtm_touch_key_xxxxx_0x0002.a