12.1 Overview

This module provides the functionality of a 2D touch surface with single contact support for touchscreen/touchpad applications.

  • Touch Contact X and Y Position
  • Up to 32x32 Sensors
    • Limited by maximum compensation capacitance per row/column
  • Self-Capacitance
  • Optimized Crossed Sliders Measurements
    • (MxN) sensor array measured in (M+N) acquisitions
  • Persistent Contact Tracking
  • Position Filtering
    • IIR
    • Median
    • Hysteresis
    • Dead band

The Surface CS module is intended for use with a grid of sensor keys which are arrayed over the surface area.

The Surface CS module is configured to interface with the QTML touch key module (0x0002) or a compatible touch detection module. Pointers are required to the location of touch key data in a standard format, as defined in the common API file.

Table 12-1. Module Files
GCC Compiler E.g., Atmel Studio 7



IAR Compiler AVR® devices



Arm® devices



Note: “xxxxx” refers to the target processor or architecture.

Module with ID 0x0021: Supports up to a maximum of 16x16.

Module with ID 0x003b: Supports up to a maximum of 32x32.