8.4.2 Status and Output Data

Parameter Size Range/Options Usage
module_status 1 byte N/A

Module status – N/A

current_freq 1 byte 0-to-15 Current frequency step
*filter_buffer 2/4 bytes N/A The pointer to the filter buffer array for measured signals
*qtm_acq_node_data 2/4 bytes N/A The pointer to the node data structure of the acquisition group
Table 8-1. List of Supported Frequencies
PTC Clock = 4 MHz
PTC Frequency Delay Cycles Frequency [kHz]
0 FREQ_SEL_0 66.67
1 FREQ_SEL_1 62.5
2 FREQ_SEL_2 58.82
3 FREQ_SEL_3 55.56
4 FREQ_SEL_4 52.63
5 FREQ_SEL_5 50
6 FREQ_SEL_6 47.62
7 FREQ_SEL_7 45.45
8 FREQ_SEL_8 43.48
9 FREQ_SEL_9 41.67
10 FREQ_SEL_10 40
11 FREQ_SEL_11 38.46
12 FREQ_SEL_12 37.04
13 FREQ_SEL_13 35.71
14 FREQ_SEL_14 34.48
15 FREQ_SEL_15 33.33
16 FREQ_SEL_SPREAD Variable frequencies