14.3.1 Data Structures


The qtm_gestures_2d_control_t data interface is a container structure which controls the input and output of this module.

Field Unit Range/Options Parameter
qtm_gestures_2d_data qtm_gestures_2d_data _t* Pointer Pointer to the gestures data structure
qtm_gestures_2d_config qtm_gestures_2d_config _t* Pointer Pointer to the gestures config structure

qtm_gestures_2d_config _t

The qtm_gestures_2d_config _t data structure is the configuration structure passed to the module.

Field Unit Range/Options Parameter
horiz_position0 uint16_t Pointer Pointer to the horizontal contact 0 position
vertical_position0 uint16_t Pointer Pointer to the vertical contact 0 position
surface_status0 uint8_t Pointer Pointer to the status of contact 0
horiz_position1 uint16_t Pointer Pointer to the horizontal contact 1 position
vertical_position1 uint16_t Pointer Pointer to the vertical contact 1 position
surface_status1 uint8_t Pointer Pointer to the status of contact 1
surface_resolution uint8_t 0 to 255 This parameter defines the resolution of surface
tapReleaseTimeout uint8_t 0 to 255 This parameter limits the amount of time allowed between the initial finger press and the liftoff. Exceeding this value will cause the firmware to not consider the gesture as a tap gesture.
Note: This value should be lesser than tapHoldTimeout and swipeTimeout
tapHoldTimeout uint8_t 0 to 255
If a finger stays within the bounds set by TAP_AREA and is not removed, the firmware will report a Tap Hold gesture once the gesture timer exceeds this value.
Note: This should be greater than the tapReleaseTimeout and swipeTimeout
swipeTimeout uint8_t 0 to 255
This value limits the amount of time allowed for the swipe gesture (initial finger press, moving in a particular direction, crossing the distance threshold and the liftoff).
Note: This should be greater than the tapReleaseTimeout and lesser than tapHoldTimeout
xSwipeDistanceThreshold uint8_t 0 to 255 This controls the distance traveled in the X-axis direction for detecting Left and Right Swipe gestures.
ySwipeDistanceThreshold uint8_t 0 to 255 This controls the distance traveled in the Y-axis direction for detecting Up and Down Swipe gestures
edgeSwipeDistanceThreshold uint8_t 0 to 255 This controls the distance traveled for Edge Swipe gestures
tapDistanceThreshold uint8_t 0 to 255 This parameter bounds the finger to an area it must stay within to be considered a Tap gesture when the finger is removed and Tap and Hold gesture if the finger is not removed for some time
seqTapDistanceThreshold uint8_t 0 to 255 This parameter limits the allowable distance of the current touch’s initial press from the liftoff position of the previous touch. It is used for multiple taps (double-tap, triple-tap, etc.).

If the taps following the first are within this threshold, then the tap counter will be incremented.

If the following tap gestures exceed this threshold, the previous touch is sent as a single tap, and the current touch will reset the tap counter.
edgeBoundary uint8_t 0 to 255 The firmware can also be modified to define an edge region along the border of the touch sensor. With this defined, Swipe gestures that start in an edge region will be reported as Edge Swipe gestures in place of normal Swipe gestures.
wheelPostscaler int8_t -128 to 127 This parameter adjusts the rate at which the Wheel gesture is updated in the GUI
wheelStartQuadrantCount int8_t -128 to 127 The Wheel gesture movement can be broken down into 90° arcs. The firmware watches for a certain number of arcs to occur in a circular pattern before starting to report Wheel gesture information. The number of arcs that must be first detected is determined by this parameter.

Lower values for this parameter make it faster to start a wheel gesture, but it also makes the firmware prone to prematurely reporting wheel gesture information.

wheelReverseQuadrantCount int8_t -128 to 127 This parameter functions like wheelStartQuadrantCount, except it is used when changing the direction of the wheel instead of starting it new. This is used to prevent quick toggling between directions.
pinchZoomThreshold uint8_t 0 to 255 This parameter limits the allowable distance between the two fingers to detect the pinch and the zoom gestures. After crossing this parameter value, if the distance between the contacts is reducing, then the gesture is reported as “PINCH”. After crossing this parameter value, if the distance between the contacts is increasing, then the gesture is reported as “ZOOM”.


The qtm_gestures_2d_data_t data structure is used internally within the module to identify the gesture and to store the status and information.

Field Unit Range/Options Parameter
gestures_status uint8_t 0 or 1 This indicates if a gesture has been decoded or not
gestures_which_gesture uint8_t 0 to 255 This contains the current, decoded gesture
gestures_info uint8_t 0 to 255

This contains the additional gesture information