15.3 Functional Description

The binding layer automates the following processes of each module.

  1. Module initialization.
  2. Capture success/error and report through callback.
  3. Module post-processing.
  4. Capture success/error and report through callback.
  5. Capture “module reburst” flag and retriggers the acquisition based on the ‘Reburst’ status.
Figure 15-2. Binding Layer-based QTouch® Application

Error Handling Support by Binding Layer Module:

The individual module errors are validated inside the binding layer, and they are encoded and passed to the application as a single error code.

The error code is decoded in the touch.c file and displayed on the data visualizer software. The error code format is given below.
Acquisition Module Error codes: 0x8<error code>
	0x81 - Qtm init
	0x82 - start acq
	0x83 - cal sensors
	0x84 - cal hardware

Post processing Modules error codes: 0x4<process_id>
	0x40, 0x41, 0x42, ...
process_id is the sequence of process IDs listed in #define LIB_MODULES_PROC_LIST macro. Process IDs start from zero and maximum is 15 

		0x40 -> error in post processing module 1
		0x42 -> error in post processing module 3

Decoded Module_error_codes:
	Acquisition module error = 1
	post processing module1 error = 2
	post processing module2 error = 3
	... and so on