Channels Split/Merge Capability

The ASRC provides a capability to merge several audio streams into one or more resulting streams and to split an incoming multichannel audio stream into several streams.

The merge or split operation results from the configuration of ASRC_CH_CONF.THROPMODE and ASRC_CH_CONF.RHROPMODE.

The merge operation adds one or more channels to an incoming audio stream when the resulting converted stream is read via a single ASRC_RHR register (see the following figure).

Figure 7-69. Audio Streams Merge Operation Example

The split operation drops one or more channels from an incoming audio stream when the resulting converted stream is routed via several ASRC_RHRx registers. When some ASRC_RHRx are not read, a drop operation occurs on the audio streams routed on these registers (see the following figure).

Figure 7-70. Audio Stream Split Operation Example