Device Characteristic Table (DCT)

The Device Characteristic Table (DCT) captures the device characteristics (PID, BCR, DCR) and the assigned dynamic address of the participating services during the ENTDAA procedure. Each entity consists of four 32-bit locations. This information can be used by the application to know what dynamic address is assigned to a particular target with the captured characteristics.

The DAT table must be updated by the application based on the characteristics received during the ENTDAA procedure, for example, whether the device is capable of sending IBI payload or not (BCR[2]), and must reflect this in the bit IBI_PAYLOAD of the DAT table for the particular target.

The DCT is part of the register set as defined in the following table.

DCT offset, in Capabilities registers, indicates the offset to the DCT and the number of entries. There is an entry for each device, described in the following table.

Table 9-65. Device Characteristic Table (DCT)
BitsField NameMemory AccessReset ValueDescription
103:96DYNAMIC_ADDRESSR0x0I3C Dynamic Address (with parity bit)
79:72BCRR0x0Bus Characteristic Register
71:64DCRR0x0Device Characteristic Register
47:32PIDR0x0Provisional ID [15:0]
31:0PIDR0x0Provisional ID [48:16]
Note: The I3CC writes DCT registers. Reading DCT registers before writing to them results in undefined values, as these data structures are stored in a RAM-based memory.