3.4 Create a new MCC Harmony Project from Scratch

Follow the below mentioned steps to create the new PIC32MZW1/WFI32E01 project in which the device will act as Wi-Fi Station(STA).

Project Creation

  • Open MP Lab

  • Go to File Menu and select New Project


Project Selection

  • Under the Projects section, select 32bit MCC Harmony Project and click on Next.

  • Select the "Harmony Repository" path as "http://github.com/MIcrochip-MPLAB-Harmony

Framework Selection

  • In the "Framework Path", enter the local system path where the packages are needs to be downloaded. Then click Next.


Project Settings

  • Select the project folder

  • Enter the full path including the newly created project folder.

  • Enter the Folder name and Project name and click on Next (To know about “Folder” and “Name” please click “Show visual Help” button).


Configuration Settings

  • Enter a Name for the config setting folder

  • select the Target device name

  • Click Finish.


Now MPLABx Code Configurator will be launched automatically.

  • Click on "Select MPLAB Harmony"

  • In the next window, select the latest versions of below mentioed repositories and press "Finish". Then the content manager will start download

    "csp" and "dev_packs" will be already selected in the "Required Content" window under "Harmony3 Chip support Package". Select the remaining repositories in the "Optional Content".

    • csp

    • core

    • wireless_wifi

    • dev_packs

    • wireless_system_pic32mzw1_wfi32e01

    • wolfssl

    • net

    • crypto

    • CMSIS-FreeRTOS

  • After completing the download, MCC will open the project graph with some components as shown below.

  • If the user wants to use any one of the System services, add the required System service from the "Device Resourecs" as shown in the image below.

  • Then select "Yes" for all the "Components auto-activation" requests.

  • Then press "Generate" button to generate the code.