Conversion Timing

Some of the analog modules in the ADC are disabled between conversions and require time to initialize before conversion starts. Only the modules used by the current ADC configuration are enabled, and as the initializations run in parallel, the limiting factor is the module with the slowest initialization time. The following table shows the different initialization times needed by the analog modules.

Table 31-5. ADC Initialization Timing
Analog Module Initialization Time (µs)
ADC 10(1)
PGA 20
Settling of internal references 60(2)
Internal Tempsense input 35
Internal DAC input 35
  1. If CLK_PER < 2 MHz, the ADC initialization time is 20 CLK_PER cycles.
  2. If the LOWLAT bit is '1' then the settling time is reduced to 2 µs when switching between internal references.

Example: Selecting Tempsense as input and using VDD as the reference will give a 35 µs initialization time. Using the Tempsense with the 1.024V internal reference will result in a 60 µs initialization time.

The ADC can be put in Low-Latency mode by writing a ‘1’ to the LOWLAT bit in the Control A (ADCn.CTRLA) register, which will keep the configured modules continuously enabled, effectively removing all initialization time at the start of a conversion. The initialization time is still needed when enabling the ADC for the first time and reconfiguring the ADC to use an input or reference that requires initialization, as shown in the table above. The ADC Busy (ADCBUSY) bit in the Status (ADCn.STATUS) register can be used to check if initialization is in progress.

The sampling interval of the input to the ADC without PGA is configured through the Sample Duration (SAMPDUR) bit field in the Control E (ADCn.CTRLE) register as (SAMPDUR + ½) CLK_ADC cycles. The input signal characteristics affect how long the sampling period has to be.

When using the internal reference without PGA, an autozero of the reference buffer runs at the beginning of the sampling, requiring the SAMPDUR to be set to a value ≥ 4 µs * fCLK_ADC.

When the PGA is used, it samples the input continuously except that it will be in the Hold state while the ADC samples the PGA output. This ADC PGA Sample Duration (ADCPGASAMPDUR) depends on the PGA Bias Select (PGABIASSEL) bit field in the PGA Control (ADCn.PGACTRL) register, as seen in the table below. SAMPDUR will still configure the minimum sampling period of the input to the PGA as (SAMPDUR + 1) CLK_ADC cycles. In Burst mode, SAMPDUR must be ≥ 12, limited by the length of the Conversion state.

100PCT 3[4(1)]
75PCT 5
50PCT 6
25PCT 12
  1. If using internal reference, the minimum PGA sample duration is 4 µs.

The Series and Burst Accumulation modes can be used for oversampling to achieve up to five bits higher resolution, given suitable input signal and sampling frequency. Increasing the resolution by n bits can be achieved by accumulating 4n samples and dividing the accumulated result by 2n. The Sample Accumulation Number (SAMPNUM) bit field in the Control F (ADCn.CTRLF) register can be configured for up to 45 = 1024 samples, resulting in up to 17-bit resolution.

The two tables below show the calculated conversion rates (fconv) for a subset of the possible combinations of fCLK_ADC and sample durations. For more details, see the relevant timing diagrams on the following pages.

Table 31-7. Example Conversion Rates (fconv) for fCLK_ADC = 5 MHz and PGABIASSEL = 100PCT
SAMPDUR PGA fconv(1) Single 8-bit [sps] fconv(1) Single 12-bit [sps] fconv Burst Accumulation [sps]
20 OFF 161290 142857 147059
64 OFF 66667 63291 64103
128 OFF 35971 34965 35211
255 OFF 18797 18519 18587
15 ON 120482 109890 156250
20 ON 107527 99010 135135
64 ON 55249 52910 61728
255 ON 17762 17513 18382
Table 31-8. Example Conversion Rates (fconv) for fCLK_ADC = 312.5 kHz and PGABIASSEL = 25PCT
SAMPDUR PGA fconv(1) Single 8-bit [sps] fconv(1) Single 12-bit [sps] fconv Burst Accumulation [sps]
2 OFF 24038 18382 19531
11 OFF 14205 12019 12500
64 OFF 4167 3956 4006
255 OFF 1175 1157 1162
2 ON 18116 14706 N/A
11 ON 11905 10331 18657
64 ON 3943 3754 4480
255 ON 1156 1139 1198
  1. Conversion rates with the Free-Running (FREERUN) bit set to ‘1’ in the Control F (ADCn.CTRLF) register; a new conversion will start immediately after the results are available in the ADC.