Window Comparator
- The value is above a threshold
- The value is below a threshold
- The value is inside a window (above the lower threshold and below the upper threshold)
- The value is outside a window (either below the lower threshold or above the upper threshold)
The thresholds are set by writing to the Window Comparator Low and High Threshold (ADCn.WINLT and ADCn.WINHT) registers. The Window mode to use is selected by the Window Comparator mode (WINCM) bit field in the Control D (ADCn.CTRLD) register.
The Window Mode Source (WINSRC) bit in the Control D (ADCn.CTRLD) register selects if the comparison is performed on the 16 LSb of the Result (ADCn.RESULT) register or the Sample (ADCn.SAMPLE) register. If interrupt requests are enabled for the WCMP flag, WINSRC selects which interrupt vector to request, RESRDY or SAMPRDY.
When accumulating multiple samples, if the Window Comparator source is the Result register, the comparison between the result and the threshold(s) will happen after the last conversion is complete. If the source is the Sample register, the comparison will happen after every conversion.
- Set the required threshold(s) by writing to the Window Comparator Low and High Threshold (ADCn.WINLT and ADCn.WINHT) registers.
- Optional: Enable the interrupt
request by writing a ‘
’ to the Window Comparator Interrupt Enable (WCMP) bit in the Interrupt Control (ADCn.INTCTRL) register. - Enable the Window Comparator by writing the WINSRC bit field and a non-zero value to the WINCM bit field in the Control D (ADCn.CTRLD) register.