4.2.2 Interface Options

Click the gear icon highlighted in the following figure to configure additional options for the Sniffer for Bluetooth LE.

Figure 4-4. Interface Options

Only advertising packets: Sniffer detects only the advertising packets from the specified device and disregards any new connections that are established.

Only legacy advertising packets: Sniffer scans only for the traditional advertising packets from the specified device. It does not search for the advertiser's device address in the extended advertising packets found in auxiliary advertising packets.

Find scan response data: This feature helps in locating the advertiser's identity within the scan response information. An active scanner is necessary to produce the scan requests that are to be tracked. This involves monitoring scan requests and responses during the sniffing of all advertising devices.

Find auxiliary pointer data: Track the supplementary pointer to access extra data while scanning all promotional devices. This feature is beneficial for identifying the advertiser's address and name in the auxiliary advertisement data.

Scan and follow devices on LE Coded PHY: To simultaneously monitor both LE 1M PHY and LE Coded PHY, the recommendation is to utilize multiple sniffers. The Bluetooth Low Energy Sniffer tracks the connection on any PHY it employs. When it comes to detecting all advertising devices and a specific device, it operates on the LE Coded PHY.