4.2.1 Setup

The U-HSM control panel application is located in the U-HSMControlPanel folder.

The application executable U-HSMControlPanel.exe can be started like any Windows application and does not require admin privileges to operate.

For convenience, it can be added to the Windows start-up applications as a shortcut placed in the Windows Startup folder.

For example, C:\Users\hsm_nonAdmin_user\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\ Startup

Once added to the startup applications, the U-HSM control panel application is automatically started by Windows upon its start up.

Note: Upon initial startup, the application registers its icon in the Windows registry. Once registered, the application executable name or path cannot be changed without removing that entry in the Windows registry. See the ReadMe.txt file for the cleanup instructions.

Only one running instance of the application is allowed at a time.