WILCS02IC Receiver Performance

Table 3-13. WILCS02IC Receiver Performance Characteristics(1)
RF CharacteristicsStandard Operating Conditions: VDD=VDDIO= 3.0V to 3.6V (unless otherwise stated)

Operating Temperature:

-40°C ≤ TA ≤ +85°C for Industrial

-40°C ≤ TA ≤ +105°C for V-temp

Param. No.CharacteristicsDescription(5)Min.TypMax.Units
WF_RX_2Sensitivity 802.11b1 Mbps DSSS-97 dBm
2 Mbps DSSS-94
5.5 Mbps CCK-93
11 Mbps CCK(6)-89
WF_RX_3Sensitivity 802.11g6 Mbps OFDM-92 dBm
9 Mbps OFDM-91
12 Mbps OFDM-89
18 Mbps OFDM-87
24 Mbps OFDM-84
36 Mbps OFDM-81
48 Mbps OFDM-76
54 Mbps OFDM(6)-75
WF_RX_4Sensitivity 802.11n (Bandwidth at 20 MHz) (Both long GI and short GI)MCS 0-90 dBm
MCS 1-87
MCS 2-85
MCS 3-82
MCS 4-79
MCS 5-74
MCS 6-73
MCS 7(6)-71
WF_RX_5Maximum receive signal level1, 2 Mbps DSSS-3 dBm
5.5, 11 Mbps CCK-3
6 Mbps OFDM-3
54 Mbps OFDM-7.2
MCS 0-3
MCS 7-7
WF_RX_6Adjacent channel rejection1 Mbps DSSS (30 MHz offset)43.5 dB
11 Mbps CCK (25 MHz offset)39.5
6 Mbps OFDM (25 MHz offset)39.5
54 Mbps OFDM (25 MHz offset)21.5
MCS 0 – 20 MHz Bandwidth (25 MHz offset)38.5
MCS 7 – 20 MHz Bandwidth (25 MHz offset)19.5
WF_RX_7RSSI accuracy-55dB
  1. Measured after RF matching network (assume 50Ω impedance)
  2. RF performance is ensured at 3.3V, 25°C, with a 2-3 dB change at boundary conditions.
  3. The availability of some specific channels and/or operational frequency bands are country-dependent and must be programmed in the host product at the factory to match the intended destination. Regulatory bodies prohibit exposing the settings to the end user. This requirement needs to be taken care of via host implementation.
  4. The host product manufacturer must ensure that the RF behavior adheres to the certification (for example, FCC, ISED) requirements when the module is installed in the final host product.
  5. This parameter is characterized but not tested in manufacturing.
  6. This parameter is characterized and tested in manufacturing.