3.2 Assembler Interface Syntax

The assembler command line may contain options and the names of source files and has the general form:
xc32-as [options] [sourcefiles]

The order of the assembly source files determines the order in which they are assembled. The special character sequence, -- (two hyphens not followed by any non-space character) represents the standard input file, and can be used to indicate that source code will be passed to the assembler via the stdin stream.

Except for -- (as described above), any command line argument that begins with a hyphen (-) is an option. The options are case sensitive. It is customary to declare options before the source files; however, this is not mandatory. Each option changes the behavior of the assembler, but no option changes the way another option works.

Some single-letter options require exactly one file name argument to follow them. The file name may either immediately follow the option or it may be separated by a space character. For example, to specify an output file named test.o, either of the following options would be acceptable:
  • -o test.o
  • -otest.o