4.2.2 Mnemonic

Mnemonics tell the assembler which machine instructions to assemble. For example, addition (ADD), jumps (J), or loads (LUI). Unlike labels that you create yourself, mnemonics are provided by the device assembly language. Mnemonics are not case sensitive.

See the data sheet of your target device for more details on the available CPU instruction-set mnemonics.

The assembler also supports a number of synthesized/macro instructions intended to make writing assembly code easier. The LI (load immediate) instruction is an example of a synthetic macro instruction. The assembler generates two machine instructions to load a 32-bit constant value into a register from this single synthetic instruction.

Note: Excess white space, comments and character constants cannot be used in the portions of the input text that are not preprocessed.
[label:] [mnemonic [operands] ] [; comment]
[label:] [directive [arguments] ] [; comment]