4.2.3 Pseudo Instructions

The assembler synthesizes PIC32M pseudo instructions as shown in the following table.

li rt, imm 32-bit load immediate
move rt, rs copies rs into rt
la rt, addr a load from memory location
jrs jump register jr rs
abs rt, rs absolute value, rt = |rs|
beq{l} rs, label branch equal to zero if rs == 0
bge{ul} rs, rt, label branch greater than equal if rs >= rt
bgt{ul} rs, rt, label branch greater than if rs > rt
ble{ul} rs, rt, label branch less than equal if rs <= rt
blt{ul} rs, rt, label branch less than if rs < rt
bne{ul} rs, rt, label branch not equal to if rs != rt
neg{u} rt negate rs place in rs rs = -rs
rotr/ror rt, rs, n rotate right, rotate rs n bits right, result in rt #only pseudo insn before mips32r2
rotl/rol rt, rs, n rotate left, rotate rs n bits left, result in rt #only pseudo insn before mips32r2
sge{u} rd, rs, rt set greater than equal sets rd = 1 if rs >= rt
sgt{u} rd, rs, rt set greater than sets rd = 1 if rs > rt
sle{u} rd, rs, rt set less than equal sets rd = 1 if rs <= rt
sne{u} rd, rs, rt set not equal sets rd = 1 if rs != rt

In the above, the bracketed letter u indicates unsigned operation and the letter l inidcates that the likely delay slot is only executed if the branch is taken.

Additionally, a two-operand form of all math and logic instructions is permitted, where the first register represents both rd and rt in the full 3-operand form of the instruction. For example add $t0, $t1 is encoded as add $t0, $t0, $t1.

Pseudo instructions for PIC32C/SAM devices are listed below.
adr{cond}{.W} Rd, label

Register version - Load address into Rd

adr{cond} Rd, label

PC relative version - Load Address into Rd

adrl{cond} Rd, label

Long version - Generate two instructions to load larger addresses into Rd

cpy{cond} Rd, Rm Alias for mov instruction
ldr{cond}{.W} Rt, =expr Loads Rt with 32-bit immediate or an address
ldr{cond}{.W} Rt, =label_expr If mov or mvn cannot be used will use literal pool to place value and load from there
mov32{cond} Rd, expr Load any 32-bit immediate or 32-bit address into Rd
neg{cond} Rd, Rm Rd= -Rm, alias for RSBS{cond} Rd, Rm, #0
und{cond}{.W} {#expr} Generate an undefined instruction for target arch - useful for forcing hard faults expr is used to set condition codes
In the above, the {cond} field is comprised of instruction suffices that control conditional execution and condition flag updates. This can be any of the following.


Set the condition flags after execution


Conditionally execute the instruction based on the flag condition code suffix, update the condition flags after execution


Conditionally execute the instruction based on the flag condition code suffix

, do not update the condition flags after execution


Specify width of the generated instruction to be 16 or 32


Assembly directives, such as .set noat, .set nomacro, and .set noreorder, disable these normally helpful features for cases where you require full control over the generated code. See 5.12 Symbols that Control Code Generation.