4.7 AC Programming Characteristics

Table 4-6. AC Programming Characteristics(1)
Parameter Symbol Limits Units Test conditions
Minimum Maximum
Address Setup Time tAS 2 μs

Input rise and fall times (10% to 90%) 20 ns

Input pulse levels 0.45V to 2.4V

Input timing reference level 0.8V to 2.0V

Output timing reference level 0.8V to 2.0V

OE/VPP Setup Time tOES 2 μs
OE/VPP Hold Time tOEH 2 μs
Data Setup Time tDS 2 μs
Address Hold Time tAH 0 μs
Data Hold Time tDH 2 μs
CE High to Output Float Delay(3) tDFP 0 130 ns
VCC Setup Time tVCS 2 μs
CE Program Pulse Width(4) tPW 95 105 μs
Data Valid From CE(3) tDV 1 μs
OE/VPPRecovery Time tVR 2 μs
OE/VPP Pulse Rise Time During Programming tPRT 50 ns
  1. TA = +25 ± 5°C, VCC= 6.5 ± 0.25V, OE/VPP = 13.0 ± 0.25V.
  2. VCC must be applied simultaneously with or before OE/VPP and removed simultaneously with or after OE/VPP.
  3. This parameter is only sampled, and is not 100% tested. Output float is defined as the point where data is no longer driven. See timing diagram.
  4. Program pulse width tolerance is 100 μs ± 5%.