Functions to access NWK related parameters and features which might be useful in user application code
bool NWK_AddGroup(const NWK_GroupAddr_t addr, const NWK_GroupData_t data)

Add new entry to the group table

DeviceType_t NWK_GetDeviceType(void)

Getting a device type parameter value.

const ExtAddr_t NWK_GetExtByShortAddress(const ShortAddr_t shortAddr)

Searching a extended address by the short address.

ExtPanId_t ExtPanId_t NWK_GetExtPanId(void)

This function return a extended panid of network.

Channel_t Channel_t NWK_GetLogicalChannel(void)

Current RF channel

Lqi_t NWK_GetNeighborsLqi(NwkNeighbor_t const *const neighbor)

Link quality indication for given neighbor.

PanId_t NWK_GetPanId(void)

This function return a short panid of network.

ShortAddr_t NWK_GetParentShortAddr(void)

This function return a short address of parent.

ShortAddr_t NWK_GetShortAddr(void)

This function return a short address that is allocated by parent.

NWK_GroupTableSize_t NWK_GroupCapacity(void)

Get remaining groups capacity.

bool NWK_IsGroupMember(const NWK_GroupAddr_t addr, const NWK_GroupData_t data)

Check group address and data in the group table.

NWK_GroupTableEntry_t* NWK_NextGroup(NWK_GroupTableEntry_t *entry)

Get first or next non-free entry from the groups table.

bool NWK_RemoveAllGroups(const NWK_GroupData_t data)

Remove all group entries with given group data

bool NWK_RemoveGroup(const NWK_GroupAddr_t addr, const NWK_GroupData_t data)

Remove group entries from the group table