ZGP functions related to commission, control or get the information from the Green power device.

Some functions that are not intended to be used by the application but internally by the stack only are not listed.

See more information on API usage with code examples on ZGP device functionalities.
void ZGP_GetChannel(uint8_t *channel);

Get zgp channel.

void ZGP_ResetReq(ZGP_ResetReq_t *reqParams)

To raise ZGP reset Req

void ZGP_SetChannel(uint8_t channel)

set zgp channel

void ZGP_UnsubscribeCommissioning(void)

This unsubscription will be used to deregister a commissioning callback, which will be used in Bidirectional commissioning

void ZGPH_ProxyBasicInit(void)

To initialize high proxy

ZGP_InfraDeviceStatus_t ZGPH_PutLocalSinkInCommissioningMode(ZGP_SinkCommissioningModeOptions_t *sinkCommModeOptions, uint8_t endPoint, bool unicastComm)

To put local sink in commissioning mode.

void ZGPH_SinkBasicInit(void)

To initialize high sink

void ZGPL_EnableDisableDirectMode(bool enabled)

Enable/Disable direct mode to receive GPDF

void ZGPL_FlushTxQueue(void)

Flushout gpTxqueue

ZGP_Mode_t ZGPL_GetDeviceMode(bool isProxy)

To get the Device Mode (operational/Commissioning Mode)

void ZGPL_GpdfDataRequest(ZGP_GpdfDataReq_t *zgpGpdfDataReq)

GP-Data-Request(Raising from higher layer to dStub)

void ZGPL_Init(void)

Init. low zgp

void ZGPL_KeyDerivationHmac(ZGP_SinkTableEntry_t* sinkTableEntry, uint8_t *derivedKey, void (*keyedHashMacCb)(void))

To derive the GPD security key from network/group key. This is mainly used by high sink.

void ZGPL_NvmTableInit(void)

Initialize zgp NVM table

void ZGPL_ResetTableEntry(void *entry, ZGP_EntryType_t tableType)

To reset all the parameters of the given entry to init value

void ZGPL_SendDeviceAnnounceCmd(uint16_t nwkAddr, uint64_t extAddr)

Sending device annce

void ZGPL_SendSimpleDescReq(ShortAddr_t addr,uint8_t ep)

To send simple descriptor request

void ZGPL_SetDeviceMode(bool isProxy, ZGP_Mode_t mode)

To set the Device in operational/Commissioning Mode