This page lists public API functions of the ZDO component.

More detail on API usage on Using the ZDO component.

void ZDO_StartNetworkReq (ZDO_StartNetworkReq_t *req)

Performs network formation for coordinator and network join for router or end device.

void ZDO_ResetNetworkReq (ZDO_ResetNetworkReq_t *req)

Resets the stack without sending any commands to the network.

void ZDO_MgmtNwkUpdateNotf (ZDO_MgmtNwkUpdateNotf_t *nwkParams)

notify - update notification parameters

void ZDO_ZdpReq (ZDO_ZdpReq_t *zdpReq)

Sends a ZDP request.


void ZDO_GetLqiRssi (ZDO_GetLqiRssi_t *lqiRssi)

Requests for LQI and RSSI.

void ZDO_GetParentAddr (NodeAddr_t *parentAddr)

Retrieves parent's short and extended addresses.

void ZDO_GetChildrenAddr (ZDO_GetChildrenAddr_t *childrenAddr)

Retrieves children's short and extended addresses

void ZDO_SetTxPowerReq (ZDO_SetTxPowerReq_t *req)

Sets Tx power.

ZDO_NwkStatus_t ZDO_GetNwkStatus (void)Returns the network status.
void ZDO_GetNeibTable (ZDO_Neib_t *table)

Retrieves the neighbor table.

void ZDO_SleepReq (ZDO_SleepReq_t *req)

Puts the device into the sleep mode.

void ZDO_WakeUpInd (void)

Sleep timer wake up indication

void ZDO_WakeUpReq (ZDO_WakeUpReq_t *req)

Forces the stack to wake up from the sleep mode.

ZDO_SetChannel (uint8_t channel)Sets channel to ZDO information base.
ZDO_Status_t ZDO_StartSyncReq (void)

Starts sending sync requests (polling the parent)

Stops sending sync requests (polling the parent)
void ZDO_BindIndication (ZDO_BindInd_t *bindInd)

Indicates that a new binding has been added to the local binding table.

void ZDO_UnbindIndication (ZDO_UnbindInd_t *unbindInd)

Indicates that a certain binding has been removed from the local binding table.

void ZDO_ResolveAddrReq (ZDO_ResolveAddrReq_t *req)

Determines the missing short address corresponding to the given extended address or the missing extended address corresponding to the given short address.