3 Pinout and Package Information

This package contains an exposed paddle that must be connected to the system board ground. The ATWINC3400-MR210xA module pin assignment is shown in the following figure. This package contains an exposed paddle, Pin 37, PADDLE VSS, that must be connected to the system board ground.
Figure 3-1. ATWINC3400-MR210xA Module Pin Assignment

The following table provides the ATWINC3400-MR210xA module pin description.

Table 3-1. ATWINC3400-MR210xA Module Pin Description
Pin #Pin NamePin TypeDescription
1GNDGNDGround pin
2SPI_CFGDigital InputSerial Peripheral Interface pin, which must be tied to VDDIO
3NCNo connection
4NCNo connection
5NCNo connection
6NCNo connection
7RESETNDigital Input
  • Active-low hard Reset pin
  • When the Reset pin is asserted low, the module is in the Reset state. When the Reset pin is asserted high, the module functions normally
  • This pin must connect to a host output that is low by default on power-up. If the host output is tri-stated, add a 1 MOhm pull-down resistor to ensure a low level at power-up
8BT_TXDDigital I/O, Programmable pull up
  • Bluetooth UART transmit data output pin
  • Used only during debug for DTM interface. SPI is the data and control interface with the host Microcontroller
  • It is recommended to add a test point for this pin
9BT_RXDDigital I/O, Programmable pull up
  • Bluetooth UART receive data input pin
  • Used only during debug for the DTM interface. SPI is the data and control interface with the host Microcontroller
  • Adding a test point for this pin is recommended
10I2C_SDA_SDigital I/O, Programmable pull up
  • I2C Slave data pin
  • Used only for test purposes. Adding a test point for this pin is recommended
11I2C_SCL_SDigital I/O, Programmable pull up
  • I2C Slave clock pin
  • Used only for test purposes. Adding a test point for this pin is recommended
12VDDIOPowerDigital I/O power supply
13GNDGNDGround pin
14GPIO3Digital I/O, Programmable pull upGeneral Purpose Input/Output pin(1)
15GPIO4Digital I/O, Programmable pull upGeneral Purpose Input/Output pin(1)
16UART_TXDDigital I/O, Programmable pull up
  • Wi-Fi UART TxD output pin
  • Used only for debug development purposes. Adding a test point for this pin is recommended
17UART_RXDDigital I/O, Programmable pull up
  • Wi-Fi UART RxD input pin
  • Used only for debug development purposes. Adding a test point for this pin is recommended
18VBATPowerPower supply pin for DC/DC converter and PA
19CHIP_ENDigital Input
  • PMU enable pin
  • When the CHIP_EN pin is asserted high, the module is enabled. When the CHIP_EN pin is asserted low, the module is disabled or put into Power-Down mode
  • Connect to a host output that is low by default at power-up. If the host output is tri-stated, add a 1 MOhm pull-down resistor, if necessary, to ensure a low level at power-up
20RTC_CLKDigital I/O, Programmable pull up
  • RTC Clock input pin
  • This pin must connect to a 32.768 kHz clock source
21GNDGNDGround pin
22GPIO8Digital I/O, Programmable pull upGeneral Purpose Input/Output pin(1)
23SPI_SCKDigital I/O, Programmable pull upSPI clock pin
24SPI_MISODigital I/O, Programmable pull upSPI MISO (Master In Slave Out) pin
25SPI_SSNDigital I/O, Programmable pull upActive-low SPI SSN (Slave Select) pin
26SPI_MOSIDigital I/O, Programmable pull upSPI MOSI (Master Out Slave In) pin
27GPIO7Digital I/O, Programmable pull upGeneral Purpose Input/Output pin(1)
28GNDGNDGround pin
29GPIO17Digital I/O, Programmable pull upGeneral Purpose Input/Output pin(1)
30GPIO18Digital I/O, Programmable pull upGeneral Purpose Input/Output pin(1)
31GPIO19Digital I/O, Programmable pull upGeneral Purpose Input/Output pin(1)
32GPIO20Digital I/O, Programmable pull upGeneral Purpose Input/Output pin(1)
33IRQNDigital output, Programmable pull up
  • ATWINC3400-MR210xA module host interrupt request output pin
  • This pin must connect to a host interrupt pin
34I2C_SCL_MDigital I/O, Programmable pull upI2C Master clock pin
35I2C_SDA_MDigital I/O, Programmable pull upI2C Master data pin
36GNDGNDGround pin
37PADDLE VSSGNDConnect to the system board ground
  1. Usage of the GPIO functionality is not supported by the firmware. The data sheet will be updated once the support for this feature is added.