Basic DFLL48M Operation

DFLL48M Operating modes

The DFLL48M will behave differently in different sleep modes, based on the settings of DFLLCTRLA.ONDEMAND, and DFLLCTRLA.ENABLE. DFLLCTRLA.ONDEMAND must be written when DFLLCTRLA.ENABLE = 0 and DFLLSYNC.ENABLE = 0. Otherwise, the write of this bit is ignored. If DFLLCTRLA.ENABLE = 0, the DFLL48M will be always stopped. For DFLLCTRLA.ENABLE = 1, this table is valid:

Table 18-2. DFLL48M Sleep Behavior
CPU ModeON DEMANDSleep Behavior of DFLL48M
Active or Idle0Always run
Active or Idle1Run if requested by a peripheral
Standby0Always run
Standby1Run if requested by a peripheral
Backup0Always OFF
Backup1Always OFF

The DFLL48M is used as a clock source for the generic clock generators, as described in the GCLK chapter. The DFLL48M is factory-calibrated for 48MHz. The frequency calibration is applied at reset.

DFLL48M Open-Loop Operation

After any reset, the open-loop mode is selected. When operating in open-loop mode, the output frequency of the DFLL48M will be determined by the values written to the DFLL TUNE register (DFLLTUNE.TUNE). It is possible to change the values of DFLLTUNE.TUNE and thereby the output frequency of the DFLL48M output clock, CLK_DFLL48M, while the DFLL48M is enabled and in use. CLK_DFLL48M is ready to be used when STATUS.DFLLRDY is set after enabling the DFLL48M.

DFLL48M Closed-Loop Operation

In closed-loop operation, the output frequency is continuously regulated against a reference clock. Once the multiplication factor is set, the oscillator tuning is automatically adjusted. The DFLL48M must be correctly configured before closed-loop operation can be enabled. After enabling the DFLL48M, it must be configured in the following way:

  1. Enable and select a reference clock (CLK_DFLL48M_REF). CLK_DFLL48M_REF is Generic Clock Channel 0 (DFLL48M_Reference). Refer to GCLK for details.
  2. Select the maximum step size allowed in finding the TUNE values by writing the appropriate values to the DFLL maximum step bit group (DFLLMUL.STEP) in the DFLL STEP register. A small step size will ensure low overshoot on the output frequency but will typically result in longer lock times. A high value might give a large overshoot but will typically provide faster locking. DFLLMUL.STEP should not be higher than 50% of the maximum value of DFLLTUNE.TUNE.
  3. Select the multiplication factor in the DFLL Multiply Factor bit group (DFLLMUL.MUL) in the DFLL Multiplier register. Care must be taken when choosing DFLLMUL.MUL so that the output frequency does not exceed the maximum frequency of the device. If the target frequency is below the minimum or above the maximum frequency of the DFLL48M, the output frequency will be equal to the DFLL minimum or maximum frequency. Write the DFLLMUL.MUL to restore the TUNE register (DFLLTUNE.TUNE) to its reset value.
  4. Start the closed loop mode by writing a one to the DFLL Loop Enable bit (DFLLCTRLB.LOOPEN) in the DFLL Control register.

The frequency of CLK_DFLL48M (Fclkdfll48m) is given by:

Equation 18-1. FCLKDFLL48M

Where FCLKDFLL48MREF is the frequency of the reference clock (CLK_DFLL48M_REF).

DFLLTUNE register is read-only in closed loop mode and is controlled by the frequency tuner to meet user specified frequency.

DFLL48M Frequency Locking

In the lock of the frequency search in closed-loop mode, the control logic tunes the value in DFLLTUNE.TUNE so that the output frequency is very close to the desired frequency. On lock, the DFLL Locked bit (STATUS.DFLLLOCK) in the status register will be set.

Interrupts are generated by the rising of STATUS.DFLLLOCK if INTENSET.DFLLOCK is written to '1'.

CLK_DFLL48M is ready to be used when the DFLL Ready bit (STATUS.DFLLRDY) in the Status register is set, but the accuracy of the output frequency will not be met until the Lock state is reached. For lock times, refer to the Electrical Characteristics.

DFLL48M Frequency Error Measurement

The ratio between CLK_DFLL48M_REF and CLK48M_DFLL is measured automatically when the DFLL48M is in closed loop mode. The difference between this ratio and the value in DFLLMUL.MUL is stored in the DFLL Multiplication Ratio Difference bit group (DFLLDIFF.DIFF) in the DFLL DIFF register. The relative error on CLK_DFLL48M compared to the target frequency is calculated as follows:


DFLL48M Drift Compensation

If the Stable DFLL Frequency bit (DFLLCTRLB.STABLE) in the DFLL Control register is zero, the frequency tuner will automatically compensate for drift in the CLK_DFLL48M without losing either of the locks. This means that DFLLTUNE.TUNE can change after every measurement of CLK_DFLL48M_REF. If the DFLLTUNE.TUNE value overflows or underflows due to large drift in temperature and/or voltage, the DFLL overflow or underflow bits (STATUS.DFLLOVF or STATUS.DFLLUNF) in the Status register will be set. After an overflow or underflow error condition, the user must rewrite DFLLMUL.MUL to ensure correct CLK_DFLL48M frequency. An interrupt is generated on a zero-to-one transition on STATUS.DFLLOVF or STATUS.DFLLUNF if the DFLL overflow or underflow bit (INTENSET.DFLLOVF or STATUS.DFLLUNF) in the Interrupt Enable Set register is set. If the Stable DFLL Frequency bit (DFLLCTRLB.STABLE) in the DFLL Control register is one, the DFLLTUNE.TUNE values will stay constant after the lock. The user can check for a possible drift by reading the frequency error in the DFLL Multiplication Ratio Difference bit group (DFLLDIFF.DIFF).

DFLL48M Reference Clock Stop Detection

If CLK_DFLL48M_REF stops or is running at a very low frequency (slower than CLK_DFLL48M/(2^17)), the DFLL Reference Clock Stopped bit (STATUS.DFLLRCS) in the Status register will be set. Detecting a stopped reference clock can take a long time, on the order of 2^17 CLK_DFLL48M cycles. When the reference clock is stopped, the DFLL48M will operate as if in open-loop mode. Closed-loop mode operation will automatically resume if the CLK_DFLL48M_REF is restarted. An interrupt is generated on a zero-to-one transition on STATUS.DFLLRCS if the DFLL Reference Clock Stopped bit (INTENSET.DFLLRCS) in the Interrupt Enable Set register is set.

DFLL48M Low Frequency, Low Power mode

The DFLL48M oscillator can operate in both open-loop or closed loop at a reduced frequency of 8 MHz. To select the low frequency/low power set the Low Frequency bit LOWFREQ in DFLL48M register. This bit is enable protected and can be changed only when the DFLL48M is disabled. In closed-loop the user should adjust the multiplier value DFLLMUL.MUL depending on the frequency of the reference clock (CLK_DFLL48M_REF) in order to have an output clock frequency of 8 MHz.