Command Bytes

The MediaLB Command field is eight-bits wide and all odd values are reserved; therefore, the LSB of Command is always zero.

Transmitting MediaLB Devices (including the Controller) place Command on the MLBS line to indicate the type of data being transmitted on the MLBD line.

Two types of MediaLB commands are defined: Normal and System. Normal commands are those sent by the transmitting MediaLB Device (or Controller) in non-System Channels. System commands are those sent by the MediaLB Controller in the System Channel.

Table 30-22. MediaLB RxStatus Responses
Value (see Note)CommandDescription
Normal Commands (TX Device sends in non-system channels):
00hNoDataNo data to send out in this physical channel.
10hSyncDataTx Device sends out SyncData command to indicate synchronous stream data.
20hAsyncStartAsynchronous logical channel. Start of a packet.
22hAsyncContinueAsynchronous logical channel. Middle of a packet.
24hAsyncEndAsynchronous logical channel. End of a packet.
26hAsyncBreakAsynchronous logical channel. Indicates a packet stop. No valid data present on the MLBD line.
30hControlStartControl logical channel. Start of a message.
32hControlContinueControl logical channel. Middle of a message.
34hControlEndControl logical channel. End of a message.
36hControlBreakControl logical channel. Indicates a message stop. No valid data present on the MLBD line.
40hIsoNoDataIsochronous logical channel, no data valid.
42hIso1ByteIsochronous logical channel, one data byte valid. First byte (MSB) transmitted/received is valid. Last three bytes in physical channel are empty.
44hIso2BytesIsochronous logical channel, first two data bytes valid. First byte transmitted/received is the MSB. Last two bytes in physical channel are empty.
46hIso3BytesIsochronous logical channel, first three data bytes valid. First byte transmitted/received is the MSB. Last byte in physical channel is empty.
48hIso4BytesIsochronous logical channel, all four data bytes valid. First byte transmitted/received is the MSB.
50hIsoSync1ByteIsochronous logical channel, one data byte valid and start of a block. First byte transmitted/received is valid. Last three bytes in physical channel are empty.
52hIsoSync2BytesIsochronous logical channel, two data bytes valid and start of a block. First byte transmitted/received is the MSB. Last two bytes in the physical channel are empty.
54hIsoSync3BytesIsochronous logical channel, three data bytes valid and start of a block. First byte transmitted/received is the MSB. Last byte in physical channel is empty.
56hIsoSync4BytesIsochronous logical channel, all four data bytes valid and start of a block. First byte transmitted/received is the MSB.
System Commands (Controller sends in System Channel):
00hNoDataThe Controller has no System command to send out.
E0hMOSTLockThe Controller issues a MOST Network lock command in the System Channel to notify Devices that the MOST Network is in lock.
E2hMOSTUnlockThe Controller issues a MOST Network unlock command in the System Channel to notify Devices that the MOST Network is unlocked.
E4hMLBScanThe Controller issues an MediaLB scan command in the System Channel and uses the MLBD line to indicate the DeviceAddress which is currently being scanned. All Devices supporting MLBScan must compare the received DeviceAddress against their internal DeviceAddress, and if a match occurs, a Device responds in the following System Channel with one of the System responses as specified in MediaLB RxStatus Responses.
E6hMLBSubCmdThe Controller outputs a sub-command in the System Channel. The sub- command is part of the data on the MLBD line.
FEhMLBResetThe Controller outputs a MediaLB reset on the System Channel MLBS line. If the first two-bytes are zero on the MLBD line, then the system reset is a broadcast system reset and every Device should reset its MediaLB interface. Otherwise, the MLBD line contains the DeviceAddress of the Device being asked to reset its own MediaLB interface.
Note: All odd values (LSB set) are reserved.

For synchronous logical channels, the NoData command indicates that the Tx Device assigned to that ChannelAddress has not setup the channel yet. For asynchronous and control logical channels, NoData is used during packet data transfer when there is no data available to transmit.