Capture Operations

To enable and use capture operations, the Match or Capture Channel y Event Input Enable bit (MCEIy) in the Event Control register must be written to '1'. The capture channels to be used must also be enabled in the Capture Channel y Enable bit (CPTENy) in the Control A register (CTRLA.CPTENy) before capturing can be performed.

Event Capture Action

The compare/capture channels can be used as input capture channels to capture events from the Event System, and give them a timestamp. The following figure shows four capture events for one capture channel. Event system channels must be configured to operate in asynchronous mode when used for capture operations.

Figure 44-14. Input Capture Timing

For input capture, the Buffer register and the corresponding CCy act like a FIFO. When CCy is empty or read, any content in CCBUFy is transferred to CCy. The Buffer Valid flag (STATUS.CCBUFVy) is passed to set the CCy Interrupt flag (INTFLAG.MCy) and generate the optional interrupt, event, or DMA request. The CCBUFy register value cannot be read, all captured data must be read from the CCy register.

Figure 44-15. Capture Double Buffering

The TCC can detect capture overflow of the input capture channels. When a new capture event is detected while the Capture Buffer Valid flag, CCBUFVy (For example STATUS.CCBUFV0 for CCBUF0 buffer register) is still set, the new timestamp will not be stored and INTFLAG.ERR(INTFLAG<3>) will be set.

Pulse-Width and Period (PPW) Capture Action

The TCC can perform two input captures and restart the counter on one of the edges. This enables the TCC to measure the pulse-width and period and to characterize the frequency f and dutyCycle of an input signal, as shown below:

f = 1 T , d u t y C y c l e = t p T

Figure 44-16. PWP Capture

Selecting Pulse Width and Period (PWP) in the Timer/Counter Event Input 1 Action bit group in the Event Control register (EVCTRL.EVACT1(EVCTRL <5:3>)) enables the TCC to perform one capture action on the rising edge and the other one on the falling edge. In PWP event action offers, the T is captured into CC1 and tp into CC0.

The Timer/Counter Event (TCE) n Invert Enable bit in Event Control register (EVCTRL.TCEINVn,where n=0,1 and input events are TCCx_EV_0 or TCCx_EV_1) is used for event source n to select whether the reload should occur on the rising edge or the falling edge. If EVCTRL.TCEINVn=1, the reload will happen on the falling edge.

The corresponding capture is done only if the channel is enabled in Capture mode (CTRLA.CPTENy=1). If not, the capture action will be ignored and the channel will be enabled in compare mode of operation. When only one of these channel is required, the other channel can be used for other purposes.

The TCC can detect capture overflow of the input capture channels. When a new capture event is detected while the INTFLAG.MCy is still set, the new timestamp will not be stored and INTFLAG.ERR (INTFLAG<3>) will be set.

Note: When up-counting (CTRLBCLR.DIR(CTRLBCLR <0>)=1), counter values lower than 1 cannot be captured in Capture Minimum mode (FCTRLA.CAPTURE(FCTRLA<5:4>)=CAPTMIN or FCTRLB.CAPTURE(FCTRLA<5:4>)=CAPTMIN). To capture the full range including value 0, the TCC must be configured in Down-counting mode (CTRLBSET.DIR(CTRLBCLR <0>)=1).